Chapter 30: Onward! To The Next Chapter Of Our Story!

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One week later...

Joining back with the four friends; Mirio, Tamaki, Nejire, and (Y/N). The four are walking to their class as they talked about their next goals and dreams of their adventures to become Pro Heroes. As the day started, they all were sitting back in their assigned seats waiting for Aizawa Sensei to come in, but to everyone's surprise, Midnight Sensei was following close behind him.
"Good morning class." In his usual monotone voice, Aizawa greeted everyone as he stood at his podium.
"Gooooood morning class!~" as Midnight also introduced herself with her cheerful smile.
"Today is going to be a special day! As you know, we had our UA Sports Festival a week ago, but due to the monster attack, we had to postpone many events and announcements for the time being. However, the scouts that were watching you all during the festival have already put in their requests and recruitment letters for a lot of you."

The whole class started talking amongst themselves with excitement as they were curious to know which pro hero agency would recruit them. Even the main four were excited to know more about the news.
"Now before I announce the recommendations, I want to do something special. Today we are going to officially pick our hero names!" Midnight said with a bright and cheerful smile.
That's when everyone collectively cheered with even more excitement. It was a nice change of atmosphere in the class, now that things finally settled down. As Midnight and Aizawa passed around small boards and markers, everyone immediately started writing their hero names.

As students went up to the podium one after another, the group was hearing many cool names and some strange names as well. Now it was Nejire's turn. As she went up, she held up the sign and with a huge cheerful smile, she yells.

"Nejire Chan! Because I would like for people to know I'm here and ready to help!"

"Ahhhh it's such an adorable name!" Midnight said as she got super excited.
"Up next... Tamaki Amajiki!"
That's when Tamaki flinched a bit, but thankful Mirio put his hand on his back.
"You got this." Mirio said with his sincere smile. Tamaki nodded as he walked up to the podium, while still nervously shaking. As he flipped the sign up, everyone was amazed at the super cool name!

"my hero name is... SunEater"

Everyone was impressed with the super cool name, but it's clear that the one person who was psyched for that hero name was Mirio. As Mirio's eyes gleamed brightly with pure joy.
"My my~! Now that's an imposing hero name! Gives me the chills!" As Midnight proclaimed, sharing her excitement with everyone in the class.
"Up next... Mirio Togata!"
Mirio was super excited, and so was (Y/N) because this was the time they would reveal the name to each other as they kept it a secret from each other all this time. As soon as he got up and placed his sign up, he proudly proclaimed:

"Lemillion! Because my goal as a pro hero is to same 1 million people!"

"Oh my goodness! I feel a fuzzy inside! The true making of a hero that stands for justice. I love love love it!" As Midnight was spazzing out of pure delight from Mirio's heroic stance on his name. As they continued, it was the moment of truth.

"Up next is (Y/N) (L/N)!"


"I can't believe we made it here. It feels like this was the moment I've been waiting for ever since the start of UA. Although... after all that has happened just during the first year. Meeting my 3 new friends, the viral hit video of Mirio and I, the sports festival, my encounter with Settei, the monster attack and the greatest thing to happen as of recent..."

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