October 2021 - Life

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Being told that you have short time left to live is never the news that you want to hear

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Being told that you have short time left to live is never the news that you want to hear.

Would you absorb to it or would you fight for your life?

Life by JJ_Ames opens with two not-so-close neighbours, namely Gwendolyn Printin (Gwen) and Jeremy Fartham receiving the grim news about their health condition. Gwen and Jeremy both grew up in the same laidback, small town where families who've been there for generations knew one another as though they're related. As convivial as it sounds, Gwen and Jeremy were not on speaking terms even though they've been living next to each other for 15 years. Gwen and Jeremy weren't enemies, not acquaintances either. They both found it difficult to deal with each other's ways.

Gwen is a single mother of three, falling in and out of love too many times until she had enough of men. She vowed that the only love she'll have, are the affection from her children. While Jeremy, a bachelor who struggled to find perfect match to be his soulmate.

They had nothing in common for a connection, except for an illness that could be fatal. It was inevitable for them to ignore each other since then. In hope for things to turn around for them, one took matter into own hands and embarked on a journey beyond borders to find the solution; a cure to the illness.

Sometimes, you just need to go back to your roots to find the answer.

This is not just a story of surviving from a deadly disease, it is also a story of finding oneself, reuniting with the loved ones and family members.

Each chapter of the story is written in medium length, with its tone and voice are consistent throughout. Conversations mostly revolve around reminiscing good old days and bantering with old friends, suggest how close the people were in that neighbourhood. The cusses and strong language are less or minimal which do not distort the reading pleasure.

Personally speaking, I believe Life is inspired by the writer's life experience/observation as the story tackles issues of real-life scenarios, with a hint of miracle wonders.

I'm no stranger to JJ_Ames' works. 'Big Elbow' and 'Unlikely Assassin - Short Story' were my favourites too. There are consistencies in his writing style and plot development with some similarities in some plot delivery between Life and others. His works are mostly action/adventure packed touching issues on human trade slavery. So, when you read Life, you know that he's pivoting away from his forte, which to me is an amazing attempt.


Reviewed by sufiena1608

To find out more about JJ_Ames and the inspiration behind his remarkable works, you may visit October 2021 - Interview With JJ_Ames in our Adult Fiction Interviews

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