Chapter 9

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Lisa's POV

"Sorry but for you it's Ms. Manoban, Ms. Myoui..." I stated to her and she make a small smile, didn't even reach her eyes.

"I'm sorry for my disrespectful, Ms. Manoban..."

I cleared my throat before saying,

"What are we talking about, if it's not about business I should go now."

"No, it's about business ofcourse."

"Great because I don't have a plenty time with your bullshits."

"I know."

"Let's proceed shall we?"

"We shall. Anyway, I'm here to asked you to have a business partnership with you." I look at her.

"You want to have a part of Manoban Groups?"

"Yes, unfortunately."

"Then I'll gave it to you but send some reports for me and I'll sign the paper after."

She smiled politely.

"We'll send it right away."

"Great! Is this already? Because I have to go now." I stood up preparing my self to left her there.

"Lisa..." She called me again.

Oh! How I hate hearing my name called by her soft voice.

"Sorry but it's Ms. Manoban. Can I go now?" I coldly said.

"Sure thanks for your time." After that I left.

I know that she have many things to say but I declined to listen. It's just all bullshit from her life before.

I went to the parking lot ang get my car. What a wonderful day you had, Manoban. Fate hates me, I know and I deserve this.

My phone started ringing and it's Rosie.

-On Call-

"Hey Lalisa."

"Oh yes, Chae?"

"Are you going home now?"

"Yes, but I'll get my things in the company after this I'm going home. Why?"

"I need to go now Lalisa, there's a little problem at the restaurant and I couldn't risk anything..."

"No, I mean yes, you can go now. I'm just going to the company for a minute and I'll be home after."

"Okay, bye. Take care Lalisa and drive safely."

"You too Chae, Bye."


I wish Rosie cooked a dinner meal for us, I really love her cooking. Especially her best meals, God I miss it already. Next week she'll be going home to the Australia and we'll not going to see each other for almost a month now. She's just going back here in the city if her restaurant has a problem or whatever.

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