All attention on me

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Johan seongxreader

Anon: This is such a random request but can I get a Johan Seong with an s/o who is studying to become a doctor fic? 👀 idk how that would go down but i do think the concept is cute♡ thank you!


-Is probably embarrassed that you're gonna be the one earning the money
-Can get insecure about that, but just reassure him that it's you're dream and has nothing to do with the money
-Will try to sneak into your lecture
-Will get caught reported as a thug for dressing all black.
-I feel like he would see one of those cheap doctor cosplays for Halloween and buys you one with a proud face.
-Supports you 100 percent, but won't leave you alone. He will be right next to you when you study, staring intensely at the notes he doesn't understand
-WILL get jealous of your books since you basically sleep with them every day.
-And will steal it

"No, I'm not giving it back." he held the documents up high where you couldn't reach, him and his childish tactics.

"Johan, I said later, please this isn't the time." you sighed, arms dropping down since you were aware that you couldn't reach his height.

And you knew this was the fourth time you've said that. End-of-year exams aren't exactly something fun to deal with, you wanted as much time as you can to perfect your knowledge.

But this clingy boy isn't letting you off this time, "You've said that for the past three hours, rest now and cuddle with me."

You pointed to the two dogs in exasperation, "Look, Eden and Miro can surely accompany you, render those notes to me now."

He frowned, hiding them behind his back, ignoring the wagging tails of two dogs. This petty asshole, is there no other choice?

"Why do you speak so... weirdly. I don't like it, stop doing that," he questioned, with a suspicious look on his face. It almost made you chuckle, he doesn't even realize how ridiculous he's being.

"I'm practicing ok? I need to speak formally in future interviews. Now hand them to me Johan!" you tried to snatch the papers of him, but how could you ever beat his reflexes?

He turned away from your hand and started dashing out the room with a displeased face, probably trying to hide those sheets somewhere you can't find.

This was officially the sixth sigh you let out today, though you couldn't be mad at him. You were the one who promised to give him all your attention after an hour, but there were just a few parts you still couldn't keep up with.

Apart from the exams, there was something else you wanted to work for. One so desperately, that you want to skip a few years and start becoming an intern already. His eyes.

It's been hard on him to trust again, so you were over the moon when he decided to rely on you. And that means you're gonna make sure to fix those eyes too. So you have to completely ace this test to even think about what's next.

But he's literally stopping you from doing anything. You finally walked out of the room, in hopes he would give up and wait a little more. That would never happen. He's the most stubborn guy I've met.

A shriek echoed through the room when he pinned you onto the wall, holding both of your wrists above your head. WAHT IS TIHS, TIME OUT.


"Yes sir."

"Drop the studying and cuddle with me."

Just when you're about to refuse his idea, he hits you with those puppy eyes making you wince. At times like this, you are brutally reminded he still has full control over you, in a good way though.

And did anyone else see the arrows going straight through your heart?


You slapped your hand on your mouth, "No not ok, that was an accide-"

"Too late." He swoops you off the ground, carrying you back to the room, leaving all your beloved notes behind. "Give up."

"Wait, this is cheating. Put me down asshole!" you whined while reaching towards the living room, where your papers laid peacefully on the sofa, waiting to be reviewed.

You gave up though, there's no way out of this.

He dropped you on the bed before joining in himself, burying his face in your neck. "Baby? Sweetcakes?"

"You're doing this on purpose, but I'm not letting you off." Though he said that, the rim of his ears turned bright pink. Dammit, I can't move.

There's no choice but to satisfy your boyfriend now, after all the waiting he does deserve all your focus. You were gonna pass the test anyways, your high expectations just stopped you from resting.

Brushing through his surprisingly healthy hair, you found comfort in simply laying with the man you love. And I'm sure he does too.

Looks like all your attention was on him after all.

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Account: Evacado3

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