Secretary's secret

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Who would've thought, the cold-hearted secretary, the one labeled as a workaholic, could ever bear such humane feelings.

So when you confessed to your fellow intern you had the hots for someone, she let out a boisterous squeal enough to shake the whole 4th affiliate.

You were sure to be reported if the office wasn't soundproof, she slams her hands on the table making you flinch. "Who's the lucky guy, wait, or girl. You look like you're into girls too." she interrogated.

You rolled your eyes at her eagerness. "What, I'm not wrong. Ohhh I am sooo gonna found out who it is."

"Sarah, calm down. Hand me the documents from yesterday, how many new people signed this month?"

"Please tell me~ You know I'm trustworthy right?"

You adjusted your glasses and starting organizing the paperwork. "Hey don't ignore me, I promise I won't tell anyone!"

"You're the one ignoring me, hand me the papers. Or did you not do them?" You frowned. She pouted, handing you the thick stack of work. "How many."


Sighing, you rubbed your forehead. How are we gonna beat the third affiliate at this state? He was so confident, I cannot fail him.

"Go do the other assignments now, I want them back by tomorrow." You stated, preceding to walk out the room. "Ehhhhhh? That's too much!" Her exclaims were left unheard as you have departed from the office.

You walked towards the elevator, familiar faces greeting you and bowing. But people thought you were strict, too strict in fact. The look on your face could scare them a mile away. Not many employees could find themselves in a conversation with you.

Doing illegal work has never exactly fazed you, no one feels the necessity of guilt when you can earn almost five million dollars a month. Though it's hard to hide it from the rest of the employees, including your witty intern.

The chances of getting caught are at zero, bounded by the best bodyguards and an unknown level, no staff has ever wondered in yet.

Samuel's a perfectionist if people couldn't tell. The numbers of secretaries he's had would surely shock anyone in the same line of business.

It's either he scolds the hell out of them then they get dismissed, or they quit. No in-between. Not before you at least. You had patience, enough to deal with his childish wants on being flawless.

You've been dealing with it since nearly six months ago, what could go wrong now? And you certainly aren't willing to give this spot to any other women, you're a qualified hard worker, that's only loyal to Samuel and his needs.

It's not just loyalty, is it?

No, of course not, but that's the secret. How could anyone found out your obsession with the director? Peculiarly the man himself, not only would you lose your job, you would give up the chance to just stay by his side as he rises to the top.

That's solely the job, to make him king. And yet some fat bold man is running all over and stepping on him. How you wish you could slap the disrespect along with the grease off him.

"Sir, I have bought the documents you've requested this week." There he was, threatening Samuel while sitting on his car. Your eye twitched, not wanting to express dissatisfaction.

"Finally, you sure are slow, bring it to me and leave. Take him too while you're at it." You demanded it just yesterday. This ill-mannered man, the things you wanted to-

"President, I won't disappoint you again." Samuel stood up, the tv behind him completely smashed. Did he try to crash Samuel? Handing him the papers, you assorted Samuel to the elevator.

Why is this man getting blamed, all the president does is eat noodles on his damn cars. Nothing to help the "vermin" he made as director.

Even walking behind him gave you butterflies, his cologne slightly drifted past your nose. Cigarettes and vanilla, in harmony with his cream-colored suit.

Though one-sided love could never work out

Just being here is enough, just fulfilling his needs is enough.

Seeing him sighing while stumbling out to the hallway made you rage at the bold man. How could he treat him like this?

"Your paper works this week was good, is the new intern doing well?" he muttered.

One-sided love like this could never work out. You could never make his heart race as his voice makes yours.

"Yes sir, I am glad you are satisfied with her work."

"Hey, you're off work now, you can stop speaking formally."

Stop being formal? I wouldn't disrespect him like that! But, he wants to speak casually with me...

One-sided love could never

"Care to join me for dinner, my treat."

Can it work out?


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Account: Evacado3

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