His princess pt2

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Believe it or not, goo does take his work seriously. Well, he takes the money seriously, so when you were staring holes into his back during work, he wasn't too pleased.

"Sweetie pie, you don't have to be behind me you know, your supposed to help."

But did he really need anyone's help? They both knew the answer.

"Goo, the amount is wrong." You stated, glaring at the leader of the gang. "This is nowhere near the promised amount."

He frowned slightly before turning back to the leader, "Hey, is this some joke?"

"Nope, it's all in there." He insisted. But the way you easily lifted the box told another story. You shared a look with joongoo, it's obvious where this convo is going.

"Hey man chill out, why are you pulling out a knife?" Goo grinned while backing off vaguely. Yep, it's obvious.

This is going downwards

A man suddenly circled your throat with an arm, the other hand holding a knife. "Let us pass or I'll cut this bitch's throat!"

You snorted, "Is that supposed to be a threat?" Goo cackled with you, but not paying attention to your situation.

"You can take care of that right, princess?"

That wasn't really a question, he wasn't gonna help you either way. Not when 30 men with knives lunged towards him.

"Ah, this will do!" The bastard showed a wide smile, one from ear to ear. One that was ought to show the dangers the gang was getting themself in. All they should know is that they shouldn't have left any junks on the floor.

You yawned lightly before elbowing the man in his ribs, "I don't get paid enough for this." The knife tumbled out of his hands, while he clings to his stomach, trying to catch his breath.

You gave him a subtle push yet he still fell. Man you aren't even cut out for this, you thought. Turning over to joongoo, honestly it looked like he was mocking them while having fun. They don't call him a monster for nothing.

It wasn't long still the guy climbed up and tried to attack you, only to have his efforts in vain though. Pinning him to the ground, you picked up his fallen knife. Now mirroring goo's smile, if not, bigger. "Mister, you will lose an ear tonight. Apologies!"

A raucous scream echoed through the room, even goo turned over to look. Only to see you sneering at the howling man, a knife plunged deep through his ear.

The sight shocked him remotely, shit that was hot, he shook his head at the thought. He was done with the crew, currently grabbing the leader's collar. "Hey, I pity you a little man, but I don't like you guys. Knives? Come on man, that's a little low!"

You dust off your blazer after getting off the man, while he rolls around in agony. Goo hooks an arm around your shoulder, walking you out of the room.

"Princess! I didn't know you were that harsh! I got scared pumpkin." He exclaimed. You frown at him, "He touched my new blazer, this shit wasn't cheap."

Your glaze didn't leave him after he turned around and chortled. But why did he look, I don't know, satisfied?

"Princess, should I treat you?" You hesitated, frankly, just frankly, still wishing for it to be jonggun instead. But hey, a free meal is a free meal. "Fine, I want sushi."

"Sushi is it!"

You both left the scene, leaving the guys in the back groaning in pain. But did joongoo say


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Account: Evacado3

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