"He's a lil troublemaker, yet nothing on em lil"

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A/N: On my flashback shit, blast to the past shit, Jimmy Neutron shit- alright y'all get it💀•• Double pic bc of Flashback chap (yes that means these are from then as well)

A/N: On my flashback shit, blast to the past shit, Jimmy Neutron shit- alright y'all get it💀•• Double pic bc of Flashback chap (yes that means these are from then as well)

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Okay, Miwa maybe a little... clueless, but she's not dumb. Her little brother has a what?? A who?? Because she most DEFINITELY didn't just hear the term "boyfriend". Her stoic, quiet, shy, little brother, who has absolutely no means of romance or any type of relationship for that matter at his mind? Yeah no she won't believe it for a second.

Okay so it is true. She seen it with her own two eyes, and she is very uh.. SHOCKED to say the least. It's SHOYO?!? He's brought Shoyo to visit them sometimes yeah, and she knows he is-well was his best friend, but now they're DATING?!? Actually, she may seem a little surprised but she always knew Shoyo looked at her brother kinda weird and vice versa. What was going on there was for sure never on a friendship level, but she didn't expect her baby bro to get what they actually were. Well she couldn't be more fucking dense, watching her brother and his date from a far.

'This is some serious shit' she thought, snatching her keys from a hook to give them a little privacy while they were at the family house. Tobio's over for the first time in months, with Shoyo in tow, visiting the whole family. Now these motherfuckers are home by themselves, so she hopes nothing goes on.

Nah it could never happen. Tobio may look like a "bad boy" with all that shit on his body and face, but he still lacks so much social skills it would take EONS for him to ever get to a stage of being comfortable having.. she doesn't even want to say it, let alone think it. It irks her soul to even bring up, stomach turning at the thought of her brother- ew ew ew forget it.

It's currently 9:56, so she's technically on a late night cruise, just listening to one of her random "night drives"playlists (yes she has those), enjoying the lights and surroundings. Maybe she should call her best friend, but ehh she's probably working, as she gets off at 10:30. Tragic.

Shuffling into the warm house from the chilly outdoors, Miwa sits her belongings down, throwing her keys to a nearby table. Only to be cut off by a really..suspicious noise.

It sounds like someone is struggling, but it also sounds like a mix of some type of- wait. Nah can't be. She ruled it as a one time thing, as she started moving back around the house. Just to hear the noise again, but this time it was another additional noise that made her stop dead in her tracks. Was that a laugh? Now what the hell is going on?

It was obviously coming from upstairs, so it had to be those two, but what are they doing? By that chuckle, she can assume it's her brother, as it's octaves lower than the other voice. So was that first noise Shoyo and Tobio is laughing at him? Oh, if it's some harmless joke then whatever. Until a struggled cry turned her back around, hands on the kitchen island.

you have NO idea what your boss does♔A kagehina/shobio story!Where stories live. Discover now