Fuckin' famous.

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As I shut the door on Ass I heard the flight attendant say

"One hour til' Lading in Sydney, Australia. Home to the fuzzy wuzzy koala bears." and at that point I just blocked the perky bitch out. God I swear, I hate people so much honestly. I hate every one on this plane, except Addie. 

God maybe I shouldv'e just stayed fucking home.

"Okay no. Chill, I got this just fucking change" I said starting to strip "just fucking change."

I ended up changing into my 'fuck off' Alien musscel T and while pulling up my galxy tights i stoped and looked at my mess. Scars, is all I see on the top half of my mid thigh leading to my bloated staomch. Like a happy trail, just not as happy.

I pulled my tights all the way up before I started remembering things, and had to deal with having a fucking panic attack on a fucking plane. I sighed, 

I cant even look at my hideous body with out having a panic attack. Talk about pethetic. 

I lost my train of thought when I heard another beep, "Passengers please proced and take your seats, the flight to the home of the koala bears will be lading in 25 min. thank you!" with an ending beep. So after pushing and some what fixing my hair I came out of the little porta poty shit.

As I was walking out I looked to my left to see a blonde tall guy sitting doing something on his phone, some how I think I've seen him before? Maybe? Never mind.

I went over and I don't know said hi or what ever, I'm usaually not this nice. I walked to the boy and sat in the open seat next to him while putting my backpack and things on the floor infront of my feet.

He looked confused at first as though he wondered what I was doing and soon changed his expression to a happy looking one.

"Uh, hi." he said "Im Luke, Hemmings" he took a pause between his first and last name as though I might freak out at the sound of it or start asking questions. I tilted my head a bit to the side gave him a nod and said, "Lia".

He furrowed his brows and looked at me confused,

"What?" I asked

Did I have something on my face?

"Oh nothing you just, look fimilar." he said keeping his voice a bit low

"Thats what I thought about you but I didn't know for sure." I said turing to face him completely.

"Really?" he asked "Well where do you think we've meet?"

I shrugged, "I dunno school?"

He shook his head "Highly doubt it."

I looked at him and turned away, 

what the fuck am I doing?! Im fucking socializing with a random stranger, what the fuck am I doing?!

"What ever it doesn't really matter I have to go." I said getting up as quickly as possible. He furrowed his brows and gave me a little wave, I got out of the seat and headed toward my original seat with Calum.

As I sat down I noticed Calum had been asleep, I looked to the left of him to see the window and holy shit I saw a butt load of girls.

Girls with shirts on saying "MARRY ME LUKE" or "I DYE MY HAIR TOO!" and a lot of them too with Calums name on it like "CAL-PAL!!!" "SAVE ME CALUM HOOD" "I WILL ALWAYS LOVE HOOD" "FUCK ME".

I looked at the girl with the fuck me shirt, I sighed knowing what this meant.

These guys are fuckin' famous.


I woke up to the sound of screaming girls all around, I groaned knowing the screams won't stop now. I mean I love my fans with my life but, all the screaming sometimes is just ya know... over whelming.

I moved a bit then felt a sharp pain in my side, as I opened my eyes I saw pink hair moving about with dull green eyes.

She looks so sad, I thought to my self while slightly adjusting my position on the chair. She looked at me in confirmation and asked, 

"Are you fuckin' famous?"


Her pink hair, I've seen it before, I know her. I know I know her. Theres no doubt that I've seen her before but where?

I shook my head trying to remember, I mean just give me A Day To Remember.

Ha ha ha... see what I did there lol, i have no life.

"Ughhhh, damn it where did we meet?!" I quietly yelled to myself while eating fro-yo.

I thought about where that pink might of rang a bell, but I was running on blanks. Literally nothing came to mind, not a single place. Oh, well maybe I haven't seen her before Idek dude.

I looked at her talking to Calum with barely any expression, she looked so... sad.

Her pink hair was a little messy but a messy where it looks nice, it framed her slim face well. She's extremely pale and looked some what dead in the eyes. 

Her eyes man, shit.

Her emerald green eyes didn't sparkle like Cal's chocolate brown ones did, the seamed so empty. As though they don't know life. She was beautiful no doubt about it but, she just seams off. She looks like to much for Cal to handle, and looks like she could break him any time she felt like.

I looked at her, her legs crisscross next to the window pointing out fans with her slender finger. Her sweater was a size or two too big for her, and she wore black creepers. She looked so fragile, yet so understandable but, I heard her in the beginning of the flight and damn, she was a bitch.

Now that I look at her with Cal, I see how she feels as though she knows him but I can tell Cal doesn't know her at all. She looks at him like if he were some one she knew or once knew, but would still not want to let in life.

Then again I might just be over-analyzing every thing and she could just be some random bitch trying to get to my best friend.

What do I know,

yea nothing.



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