Part V

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Part V


Once a month, Konoha High School has these teacher training days. What it means for the teachers is they have meetings in each department in which they are to bounce ideas off each other and improve the class. What it means for the students, is a half day. The first of these days is the second Wednesday of September. In other words, today.

Each class is split in half to accommodate, but by the time the dismissal bell sounds at 11:30am, I feel as though a whole day has passed. But knowing that I have a few extra hours to myself today is a pleasure.

Students file out, some with friends, some alone. I watch the faces of the students; laughing, angry, just happy to be in the presence of a significant other. I'm always interrogated on why I chose to be a more silent character, but truth is, I can get all the information I need simply by observing.

I'm walking away from the drab brick building when I hear my name being called. I don't even have to look to know its Naruto.

I remind myself to breathe then turn around to his exuberant face rushing towards me with a smile. His blonde hair glittered in the September sun.

"Hey!" He smiles once he's caught up with me.

"H-hi, Naruto!" I smile. I'll never be able to form my words correctly in front of him.

"So um, I was thinking," he looks down at the ground bashfully. This is a new side of him, this sheepishness. "Since, you know, it's a half day, I was wondering if you wanted to grab some ramen with me." He looks at me expectantly.

Is he asking me to lunch?

Is Naruto Uzumaki, the most handsome man I've ever seen, asking me to eat lunch with him?

I try to keep in control, but a massive smile peeks onto my face. "Sure!" I reply. He smiles and we continue walking.

"Is anyone else coming?" I ask as we make our way to Ichiraku Ramen, Naruto's favorite place to eat.

"Nope, just us!" He says cheerily. I blink. Just us? He wants to spend time with me, and only me?

I smile the happiest smile I've ever had.

The whole thing feels like a dream I would have. Everything is just so surreal, walking in the sunshine to lunch with Naruto. I can't believe any of this is happening.

He looks at my face and smiles back. His smile puts a lovely fog in my head. It dulls what ever else is going on and gives me a euphoric feeling. It's a big, cheesy, open mouthed smile. It has nothing to hide and it's the most beautiful thing that I'm lucky enough to witness daily.

We get to the small ramen stand and this older man is standing behind the counter.

He recognizes Naruto immediately. "Naruto!" He exclaims. "How have you been?"

"Hey pops! I've been well, you?" Naruto responds brightly. The man notices me and turns to Naruto with a devious smile.

"Is this pretty young girl your-" he pauses to swing his pinky finger in the air, symbolizing girlfriend. I blush, but Naruto cheeks are redder.

"No," he says nervously. He thinks for a moment then leans into the mans ear. He whispers something for a while and the man smiles. When he's done speaking, the man is smiling, and nods at Naruto.

"Well," he says. "I'll be in back um... Preparing some vegetables. Naruto, you know what to do if a customer comes. Eat well!" He says, and brings us two bowls of ramen. I didn't even order, but I assume this is Naruto's usual.

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