Ice Cream Flavors

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Chapter 1 3

In the afternoon Kagami sat on a bench at the Place des Vosges waiting for somebody. While she waited, she tapped with her right foot on the floor sighing a little impatient. Her kwami Longg stretched his head out of the pocket of her jacket noticing her impatience.

"She could be delayed or something Kagami-san, try to relax" Longg suggested the blue-haired woman, which sighed and closed her eyes taking a deep breath, afterward she exhaled it out. "That's it, keep doing it"

After a few breathing exercises, Lila Kurtzberg appeared walking on the path of the park, approaching the Japanese woman, which sat on the bench, afterward she noticed Lila arriving and looked up at the brunette.

"Hey Kagami" Lila greeted. "What happened?" Lila asked sitting down next to the best friend. "You didn't sound quite good"

"I know, but I wanted to talk with you first since you're my best friend and you're next to Adrien and Longg a person to trust any problem"

"Wo druck Schu?" Lila tried to say, making Kagami warp her face in confusion at Lila's try in saying something in German.


"Sorry I was trying to say it on German......another time.....what's worrying you?" Lila asked watching Kagami do a pause before she answered her.

"I'm pregnant" Kagami answered, then got hugged by Lila.

"Oh my gosh, you're going to have your own baby!" Lila shouted. "This means our babies could become best friends in the future, isn't that great?"

"No Lila, I've got now a bigger problem. I'm still at the university together with Adrien and at the same time, I'm carrying a life inside me. You're lucky you have finished school"

"Didn't you and Adrien use protection the last time you two worked out together?"

"No, we didn't. I acted irresponsible on that night. I had that strong desire on that night to make love with him....I couldn't stop myself. I had to do it"

"This conversation here makes me think on that day I've told you about me and Nathaniel not using protection and in the end, I did the pregnancy test thinking I was pregnant" Lila mentioned as she remembered the times in the high school. "Good times"

"Please Lila, I need a piece of advice, what should I do?" Kagami asked grabbing Lila on her shirt.

"Well, I think you should talk first with Adrien about it, after all, he's the father. Second.........Ice crème!" Lila shouted as she saw from above Kagami's shoulder on the park Andrè the ice maker serving glace to a young couple.

"Lila no!" Kagami ordered.

"Lila yes!" Lila denied getting up from the bench to head to the ice maker, making Kagami groan and following her best friend to the gray-haired man.

"May your love last forever" André wished the couple, then saw Lila approach his cart looking at all the various flavors he had. "If that isn't Lila Rossi and her friend Kagami Tsurugi"

"Kurtzberg, Lila Kurtzberg," Lila corrected. "I need the biggest ice crème you can make here, cause I need to eat for two"
"Ah, your love turned into matrimony and this led the two into an egg. There's nothing more powerful in love than to have their own flesh and blood. A true fact of love" André stated picking up a large wafer and began to pile up a few sorts of ice. "Chocolate brown for the hair, white vanilla as white as the snow and blue moon like the eyes of the tiger," André said followed by spreading a few chocolate sprinkles over the ice and handed it out to Lila.

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