Part 3 A call from High Heaven

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Lucifer gathered a third of his subjects,and was now ruling the first heaven.Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Uriel,set out to find Archangel Michael but to no avail because Lucifer had hidden him in place only opened by a seal that it would reveal him.

A voice from heaven calling

God:Michael,Michael,Michael ...!why are you encaged in a seal?
Michael:Father it is not of my doing,I was encaged by Lucifer and he took my powers away.
God:Stand up Michael here's more power I give unto you,for you to dethrone Lucifer.

Michael was filled with more power that God gave him.He broke the seal and went straight to Lucifer enraged.

Michael:Lucifer how dare you bind me with a seal,and why are all of you angels following him ,do you not know that he has decieveth you, are you blind to see.

At once Lucifer commanded the Angel's to attack Michael but Michael overpowered them.Lucifer predicted that he would not defeat Michael so he fled to the rock where he and Michael met.

Michael:Come here and face me coward.Who do you think you are, to take charge over heaven.

At the rock ,no sooner had Michael arrived than Lucifer found his way up to the second heaven. However,he was only allowed for a short while and whilst there drew an immense power but was cast down to the First heaven for it was forbidden for any Angel to proceed without the permission of God himself.
Lucifers Angelic body became somewhat distorted like a glitch in a video game.Some traces of black smoke surrounded him.Without hesitation Michael charged towards him but Lucifer burst with immense power that whoever was close would surely be blown away.

Lucifer:How does it feel to be weak Michael, Look at me I have more power to control any Angel I so please,if only you had listened Michael.And now I Will ascend above the heavens, claim my rightful throne and I will be like the most high.

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