All I ask for is the truth.

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Happy October 1st! Halloween will be coming up soon as well as the bloodshed and War in this fan-fiction. I have many ideas for these next few chapters and I hope that you all enjoy them, as much as I did writing them. For those of you who may or may not know I also have abunch of one shots for my other Janaya fanfic that will realsed as we progress towards Halloween!

Gren felt shocked at her words. He knew-....well per-say at first he thought that an elf had saved her. Somehow that was more believable than a elf kissing her.

This was total an obursed thing to even claim let alone witness. Gren was somehow hoping that maybe it was a a bear or something? No, thats even worse.

Sina herself was a bit at shock, then again she couldn't too sure.

"Look General Gren, it's not my job to snoop or get involved in other peoples personal life's, let alone the Main Generals. Still I can't help to feel as though this may affect everything if what I saw is true. I already know the truth so its just the matter of weather you believe me or not."

Sina spoke softly in a low voice. She adjusted her helmet, making sure she could see through the egdes, and excused herself for her shift. Leaving Gren alone to his thoughts.

Amaya was given medicine for her pain and as a part of her treatment from breathing in the  hydrogen sulfide. She was also told that she needed bed rest for about 2 weeks potentially 1  1/2. 

Amaya hated the idea of being stuck in bed for 2 weeks but her body needed time. The nurse already knew how stubborn Amaya was so she had assigned two guards to stand by her door.

A solider helped Amaya up the stairs and to her room. Amaya softly smiled at the solider as she nodded her head, as a sign of thanks.

She opened the door to her bedroom, closing it behind her. She was ready to wobble her way to her bed, but instead was met with Gren.

Her eyes filled with surprise seeing Gren sitting by the window seal of her room.

Gren looked towards the Amaya a forced smile on his lips. He got up and grabed her arm guiding her to her bed. She hated feeling helpless like this.

Amaya signed thanks to him only receiving a nod in return. He brought seat from Amayas desk towards Amaya sitting right in front of her.

"What happened? Who saved you?"

Gren quickly signed, taking Amaya aback. She didn't know to to respond. Would he accept the truth? Would he see her differently?

Amaya always had valued the truth as did Gren. He was her closest friends, her best friend. He had been with her through thick and thin. Through her sisters death.

"Gren, Do you know the main elf who always leads the attacks on us?"

Runaan knows all. He knows that Fire sneeks out of Janai's house through a hole behind a bookshelf. He knows that Ethiar has a fling for bondage.

He knows that Janai is weary almost all the time. He knows that she will tell him where she was.

"Well Runaan, you know how fire keeps on escaping my house and all-"

Runaan laughed, Janai was a awful lair.

"You mean that cat who has been napping on the couch in the living room Since I got here?"

Janai knew was in hot water now. She knew that Runaan always knew everything, but she couldn't let him know this. Well not yet..

"Look, Janai I don't think I'm asking too much of you just by asking where you were. Do you Know how much I worried about you? I know you very well, to well in fact. I at least need reassurance that you weren't risking your life."

Janai kinda did risk her life but he didn't need to know.

"So all I'm going to ask now is are you OK?" He sat down next to her, his eyes boring into hers.

"I'm ok Runaan. I didn't try to risk my life. I'm here and I'm fine. Please trust me, I never meant to worry you. I just had to do something."

Retrospectively she had something she was going to do but got sidetracked when she heard a scream from the crumbling cliffside.

Runaan nodded. He wanted to know more but what mattered was that Janai was ok.

"Well let's at least get you cleaned up Janai. You look like you wanted to cosplay a tree or something. Not to mention the horrendous smel-"

Janai pushed him off the couch and walked out of the room yelling, "At least I don't have a fear of butterflies !"

She heard a gasp, before he yelled back, "Their scary as hell! Have you ever seen one up close! They're bloody awful!"

She let out a laugh and made her way to the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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