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"Janai's soldiers or trainee's per say have been doing quite well and increaseing in all levels. I feel that Xdaia's boarder is safe in the hands of the Sunfire elfs." Runaan spoke but the stern voice full of wisdom. "However somehow humans were able to get across the border and kill the dragon prince.
There is no exception the Sunfire elves failed in their duty to guard the border."

Janai sat in her seat quietly. Her face stayed stoic, as her nails dug into the palms of her hands. "As if you could better.." she muttered underneath her breath. Runaan paused eyeing her but continued to speak. Like she thought she would be fine but no runaan had to look AT HER.

By the end of the meeting the elves came to a conclusion. "The Sunfire elves must increase their security around the breach, if failed to do so they will face punishments from the queen of dragons." Janai nodded just wanting to leave. Then the as all the other elf's stood up about to leave the skywing leader spoke, "But wait there's more." Janai almost out of her seat fell back into it. Her eyes rolled as she unconsciously spoke."God damn it."

She lifted her head suddenly seeing all eyes on her. "You know what I'm just going to be quiet now." She forced a smile and pushed through the rest of the meeting.

(Time skip brought to you by gay fishys)

Janais feet softly touched the warm dirt. Her eyes drifted to the warm sky where the sun light was. Her eyes absorbed the warmth almost making them glow. Mindlessly she continued to walk not fully aware. She held her flats in her hand swinging them by her side. When she looked towards the ground the brown dirt shimmered. Remind slowly drifted off to Amaya. Her sister would have rolled her eyes if she knew what Janai was thinking of. The golden rays of the sun reminded her of Amaya's eyes when she fights gleaming with honor and will.

The shimmering dirt reminded her of Amaya's hair,oh how it  would fly in the wind perfectly framing her face. Janai softly murmured things. Just thinking about her made Janai turn crimson. "Hello Janai."


Janai threw her flats towards the voice and spen on her heel. Runann dodged the flats. He shook his head. "Janai we really need to work on your words." Janai laughed nervously toying with her fingers.

Runaan picked up her flats and walked towards Janai." You know what, I think we should invest in a bell for you." Runaan chuckled handing her flats over. "Janai, I must say ethari has tried before but failed." Janai rolled her eyes as they began to walk "Also I must say you've been acting quite.." He paused looking for words. "Spacious." Janai felt her heart race, no she hadn't... right? She softly shook her head looking at him meeting his deep blue eyes that penetrated into her soul. "I've just been a bit stressed lately. With the upcoming mission to assassinate the king and the war between elves and humans it's just." She exasperated with her hands. "It's all so much!" Both hands flew in the air like an explosion. Runaan nodded. Thinking about her words. "Along with our fights getting more closer and personal with humans, it just makes it a bit harder to concentrate... Especially when you get distracted by someone." She murmured the last part not wanting him to exactly hear. "Come again?" Runaan raised an eyebrow. He's hearing was better than most people knew, but still who's almost mystified by her last statement. Janai turned feeling embarrassed. "You didn't hear the last part, right?" He merely glared with his piercing ocean eyes. "I mean they're just so fast!" Janai was praying that that was a good enough explanation. "It seems like there are lots of distractions in your life currently. Ever thought about doing something for the mind?" Runaan gestured to his own head. Janai I thought about it before but never really got into it. "I shall reconsider it." It was getting dark fast.

She quickly gave Runaan a hug feeling him stiffen at the sudden action. "Tell ethari to try again with the Bell." She let go and started to run home.

722 words〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

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