Her Eyes

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A soft pressure on Amaya's shoulder forced her to look up. Gren."Amaya you've been out here all day, come on it's time for dinner." Gren signed fluently.

 The flushed red on amaya's face made her look more tired than she was. "Sounds good." Amaya signed back, as she stopped.

Her lungs expanded as she took a deep breath. Her wiped the sweat off her brow as her toned legs walked after gren without thinking.

 'I was out here that long?....I hate it.' her mind yelled at her. Yelling how stupid it was. How stupid it was to be worked up over a nightmare.

She grabbed the warm wooden bowl of soup with Chuncks of steak, and chopped veggies. She sat down at the lunch table.

 The warm broth swirled as the wooden spoon went round and around. Amaya scooped up the mixture and ate it. She chewed as she observed the people around her.

She noticed things. Like the brown eyes of a female across from her. 

Or someone's dreaded hair, or how someone's chocolate skin seemed to glow in the lava's ligh..... 'Shit.' Amaya's eyes went wide as a flush red became even more dark. 

'Goddamn it, how did I let myself fall for an elf like herself?!?' she yelled at herself in her head as she took anthor spoon full of soup.

Still one thing that always left Amaya breathless were Janai's eyes. She would love to deny it.

Whenever Janai's gold like eyes scanned Amaya's body in battle, and sometimes lingered at spots. Whenever Amaya would pin Janai's arms up with her sword in the heat of battle.

 Or when Janai would throw Amaya down, straddling her hips as Janai tried to kill her with fists of lava. How Janai misty eyes would just have a yearning. 

Amaya paused putting her spoon down and breathing. 'God please fucking help me.'

She shook her head of these thoughts gaining the attention of gren.

'She has fucking tried to push me off a clip into lava and yet I-' Amaya frowned.

Why a elf? Amaya would never know. Amaya continued to eat her soup until a freckled hand waved in front of her face. She looked up making eye contact with Gren. "Hey Amaya, I have a extra cookie do you want it?" Gren held up a oatmeal raisin cookie.

 'Target locked.' Amaya's mouth watered. She shook her head like a dog, eyes wide with sparkles.

Nothing in the world could ever replace her love for oatmeal cookies(other than her family)

Gren happily handed it over.

*Time skip*

The sun had set and star shone in the sky. Amaya's eyes looked like the stars. 

The star always turned Amaya into a child once more. The wonder never ceasing to exist, at times her brain would image people yes people, living on the stars and looking up thinking that earth was a star.

Amaya always smiled at the thought. But now it was time to sleep. Of course sleep is a must have for soldiers especially a general. 

Amaya glared at her bed. What once was saftely was now terror. Amaya took a deep breath smoothing out her black shirt and gray shorts. 

Moving the sheets she slipped in the bed her feet falling in love with the coolness of them. As soon as Amayas head hit the pillow she went out.

Out.  At times Amaya wished she could speak. At Times.

She would've yelled for Sarai to leave. To get out. 

'Sarai GET OUT! You need to leave!" Amaya signed the warning over, and over and OVER. However it always was the same. Viren would always come back alone, with the news, Sarai had died.

 Then everything would slowly become black. And start to suffocating her head with thoughts. "Its YOUR fualt." "YOU should've been with her!" 

"She died because of YOU!"

Always the same thoughts but always ever so painful.

Amaya would fall on her knees praying for the thoughts to stop, Just for a moment.

This time it did. Amaya got out. 

This time a chocolate hand was out stretched to Amaya. This time Amaya wiped her tears, and stood up. This time it wasn't darkness around her, but gold.

This time Amaya met her eyes. 

Janai's lovely eyes.

(Inspired by my own love who I would love to call lover~)

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