I kissed a girl

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For the first time in awhile amaya woke up happy. Her brown eyes opened up to the sunlight peeking through the windows.

She slowly sat up stretching her arms feeling her joints pop. She moved the cloud like covers and set her feet on the ground. She shivered, it was cold. Amaya felt her smile fall, of course. Winter.

Amaya quickly brushed her hair away with her fingers as she brushed her teeth. She quickly pulled on her leather shoes and a light blue long sleeve shirt. Before she knew it she was in the dining hall with blueberry pancakes stuffed in her belly.

' Blueberry muffins sound amazing today.' Soon she was outside once more training, teaching along with preparing as such of being a general.

The day seemed to fall by until lunch. Amaya thought it was a perfect day for going on a hike with Gren. She quickly ate her mash potatoes with cooked spinach, before asking him.

Gren of course said yes. He knew how much Amaya loved the outdoors, along with sitting by the cliffside. But she never left without telling someone where she was going.

Amaya switched out her leather shoes for some hiking boots,her favorite hike was always the new and challenging ones. She loved challenging herself, pushing herself to new limits.

She quickly grabbed grens hand and pulled him into the woods. They found a new trail that was by the cliffside with a lovely view of the lava. Sunfire elfs weren't really seen at this time of day. But this time something different would happen.

Amaya gripped the trees as she passed them, almost as a safety line. Gren did the same but he stayed in front. Amaya looked at the setting sun, and the orange hue it had. It reminded her of her dream.

The warm chocolate hand leading Amaya out of the darkness, and how when she stared into her honey eyes she felt saf-

'Damn it!' Amaya shook her head scoffing. 'Again Amaya, really?!?' Amaya tucked a rouged piece of hair behind her ear.

Everything was fine, it was just righ- Suddenly the ground beneath amaya became weak, it crumpled falling taking amaya along. She quickly tried to grab a hold to one of the trees. Her fingers gripped the tree bark, as she hoped it would hold. It didn't. Gren spen around as he heard the ground cracking, but he was too late. "AMAYA!" He yelled out as he ran towards the now missing cliff. He looked at the ruble trying to find her. He Suddenly caught sight of a mop brown hair, Soon he was able to identify her limbs.

Her back still moved up and down. 'She's alive!' Gren smiled a bit but stopped as he realized what he had to do next. He took one last look at Amaya before leaving running around the woods to go get help.

Amaya groaned in pain as she opened her eyes. She felt a crushing pressure on her legs, like someone was sitting on them but never sat up.

She looked around herself feeling the heat of the lava. Rocks were all around her, among those a huge one had topped her legs. She moved her hand to grip a rock to try and pull herself up. As soon as she touched the rock, Amaya hissed in pain as she withdrew her hand.

She drew her hand, and saw the damage. Her skin was raw and red. The torn skin oozed blood as some parts were still light pink. Bits of flesh still hung, begging to be ripped off. Dirt Managed to get in the wound making it sting and raw even more. Amaya knew how they got so damaged, the tree bark.

The heat started to increase, making amaya sweat even more. The lava had started rising a tad bit too quick for her taste.

Amaya's eyebrow furred, as she tried to figure out what to do. She looked down at her arms seeing her sleeves. 'Thats it!' She used the back of her hand to move the sleeve up towards her shoulder.

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