Chapter four

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"AMANDA! You know the drill!" Aunt Mel shouted.

And yes I did know the drill. Apparently so did my ned, there it was calling my name again. I got up took a quick shower, emphasis on the quick. Mel works two  jobs and can bearly afford to make ends meat so we have a saving scheme:
During the year we're only  allowed to take two minute showers. We surive on cereal,noodles and baked beans for the rest of the month.  We can't splurge on anything, any money saved goes in for Christmas savings.  Christmas is the only yime we get to wasye money.  Luckily we own the apartment (dad bought it with drug dealing money,  its dirty money nit it's keeping us alive).

I got dressed and made myself cereal.

"Bye Mel! " I said, and I left for the bus stop.

Got in the bus and I sat next to Todd, he greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I had totally fallen for Todd.  I'd known him two days, and he'd already basically charmed the pants off of me. I was determined not to make my feelings too obvious, I wanted to play hard to get.

First period on a Tuesday was health class. Honestly, I don't find a relevant reason for them to teach us about weight management,  mental health issues,  first aid etc.  Totally useless! 

I walked into class I didn't know where to sit,  luckily Todd signaled me over.  I sat next to him.

"Hey" I whispered.

"Hi" he whispered back.

"Amanda, can I call you Mandy?" I nodded and he continued.

"So I know I've only known you for 2 days, but I feel like I've known you forever.  Do you maybe wanna catch a movie on Friday? "

"Mr Green! Is there something you want to share with the class? " Mr Martin furiously said.

"Health class sucks!" Todd said. I couldn't believe it, I'd have never known him to be tha badboy.

"Well, if that's how you feel.  Excuse yourself from my class."

"Glad to. Mandy?" He  stood up and looked down at me,"you coming?"

I didn't feel that I had a choice, so I got up and we left.

We sat outside the school.

"I can't believe you did that!" I said excitedly.

"Neither can I!" He replied.

"So what do you wanna do for the rest of the hour?"

"I have an idea, but you won't like it."

I felt panicked,  but I pretend that I wasn't.

"What is it?"

"We can ditch school and head to my place. The teachers don't know us, so they won't notice we left. You game?"

I knew this was gonna end badly but I agreed anyways. Todd called his chauffeur to come and pick us up. We got to his house,  well it was actually more like a freaking hotel!

"Whoa!" I was in absolute awe, his house was amazing. He gave me a tour of the house, then we got to the last room.

" my room."


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Check out my other books, detention and backwards.
What do you think is gonna happen?
Hint:it isn't as obvious as it seems.
What do you think is the deal  with Georgia?  Fo you think Amanda and Todd should end up together?
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