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"Mate, you're too happy for your own good," Ron said. "This girlfriend of yours better be magical. I miss our chess matches."

"Oh," Harry frowned. He and Malfoy had met every day this week. "I'm sorry. I'll try to lessen the days I meet up with her. You're my friends, too. I still want to hang out with you. Sorry for putting you on the back burner."

"It's okay," Ron patted his shoulder. "Are you excited about the Ball? We'll get to meet her, right?"

"No, she er... she already committed to a family friend before we started dating and she said it'd be hard for her to back out. Her family is strict. They wouldn't want her to be hanging around me, especially right now."

"Damn. So no hanging out with her?"

"Not er... yet."

What he and Malfoy had was something different. Something special but fragile. He could tell by the way Malfoy tensed up over certain things, how he hid other things. Even so, Harry wasn't sure how Ron or Hermione would take him dating their bully.

Still, Harry couldn't stop thinking about him. The way he looked at Harry, how much fun they had when they played Quidditch. If Harry knew this secret Malfoy existed, maybe they'd have been friends a long time ago...

Who knew?

But something Harry truly knew: he really wanted to kiss him.

Maybe they'd do so at the Yule Ball anyway, hidden away from everyone. They could meet in the courtyard or on the first floor, with the music still faint, them swaying together.

Months ago, that would have been a ridiculous dream. But now?

Harry wished it to come true.


Draco woke up two days before the Yule Ball cursing, as he had every day since his and Potter's last date.

"How much longer do I have to do this?" Draco complained to Pansy as he searched for his parcel at the Owlery.

"The second task is only a month away. Suck it up and deal with it. Potter will be injured soon enough."

"I think I'm getting sick," Draco said. "My stomach hurts all the time. Poison."

"You'd be dead by now if he poisoned you."

"Why didn't we just poison him?"

"This was all your idea, Draco," she started, but then the sudden sound of footsteps below made them close their mouths.

"Cho," a familiar voice said. Potter. Stupid Potter. As if Draco couldn't stop thinking about him.

"Harry," a girl answered.

Both Draco and Pansy rushed to the window to watch as Cho Chang and Potter stepped in front of each other multiple times.

"His awkwardness is painful," Pansy observed.

Draco immediately wanted to defend him—he's just a dork who loves Quidditch and socks, he can't help it—but stopped himself from doing such a ridiculous thing and agreed, "Tell me about it." With Chang. Not so much with Draco. Because Potter felt comfortable with Draco now. Draco worked for it. "He's a buffoon."

"Watch yourself at the stairs. It's a bit icy at the top," Chang said.

"Thanks," Potter said.

Pansy turned to Draco. "Do you think he's going to ask her?"

"No way."

Potter called her back, "Cho?"

"Yes," she turned back to him.

Drarry - It Was All Just A Game (REWRITE - CLEAN VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now