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April approached and passed, and however, the test anxiety of fast arriving O.W.L's remained. Most students spent their spare time studying and panicking at the calendar.

But one thing that remained was Draco and Harry meeting up. It was out of restriction and need that caused them to become addicted to it again. So much so they'd sleep on the hammock and trade off studying throughout the night. It didn't matter, because they were together. And they were allowed to be together. For now.

Because there was a gloom overhead that mirrored the April showers: one day, they might not be.

As they entered their next date, Draco couldn't keep back a smile.

"What," Harry asked.

"I have a surprise for you."


"Accio," he cast and Harry's broom flew into Draco's outstretched grip.

Harry's mouth fell, and his eyes went wide. "My Firebolt!"

"Stole it from Umbridge's cupboard. I'll have to put it back, but first, want to play?"

Draco thought that he was going to run for the broom and take it. But instead, Harry dove on top of him, sending them both to the ground. Harry pressed kisses on Draco's cheek, forehead, temples, nose, chin, jaw and lips. And Draco held him tightly, his fingers unconsciously going to the hem of Harry's jumper.

But then Harry jumped off of him. "Come on, hurry up!" Draco looked up at him as he mounted his broom, smiling just as wide as Harry was. "We have games to play."

No. No more games, Draco thought. Only you.


A week later, Draco received a note from the Head Boy just after lunch.

Mr. Malfoy,

Please see me immediately.

Professor Umbridge

Draco's heart raced as sirens went off in his head, because there was always a chance that she could have found out about him and Harry, despite them being extra careful. But when he knocked on the door and it opened, he found Cho Chang sitting in the middle of the room, crying. Draco's first instinct was good. You deserve it for kissing my boyfriend. He had half a mind to hex her. Because he could.

He'd waited so long for revenge, and if Harry questioned it, he could just say that Umbridge forced him to. Time to torture...

So much for a change of heart—but how could Draco not? She kissed his boyfriend.

But then he realized Crabbe, Goyle, and Filch were all there, and this was something more than that.

"Mr. Malfoy, I'd like to inform you that our hard work has paid off." Umbridge had a smile that could make milk curdle on sight. "There has been a secret organization training to overthrow the Ministry within our own walls that Harry Potter is the lead of. She's divulged everything, including their location." She looked at Cho, and then back to Draco. "Take her. We have a group of students who need to be punished."

"Excellent," Draco said, but inside, he braced himself. She'd better not hurt Harry.

"Come with me, all of you," she spoke.

The group followed, and Draco ensured his grip on Chang was uncomfortable and harsh. They walked through passages and passages until they stopped in front of a blank wall.

This was it? Umbridge was bitching about a blank wall? She's lost her damn mind...

"Bombarda maxima!"

Drarry - It Was All Just A Game (REWRITE - CLEAN VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now