Chapter 36 - The Long Awaited Battle

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3rd person POV

Takemitchy came out from the building after trying to cheer Hina from Emma's death. What met his eyes was Chifuyu on his bike.

"Get on, the whole gang is waiting."


Takemitchy got on the bike, Chifuyu drove as fast as he could back to the gathering place. As the first division captain, he's the only leader when all the presidents and captains are not present.

They arrived at the shrine, they ran up the stairs, now facing the crowd.

"Listen up, everyone!" Chifuyu shouted.

"Just recently, the president's sister has passed away!"

The crowd looked at Chifuyu and Takemitchy with their eyes widened. Chattering about if Mikey is alright.

"Our president for sure can't join today's war with Tenjiku. Our vice presidents too." Chifuyu announced, while Takemitchy stood there, silent.

"What? Then what are we supposed to do?"

"Without our tops around, we can't fight, right?"

The crowd started chattering again, until Inui spoke up.

"That's right. An army without its king is just a disorderly crowd. It'll be 100% defeated. It's not just about this fight."

"He's got a point."

"Aren't we fighting for him in the first place?"

"Should we retreat?"

Takemitchy can't stand the chatterings from the crowd and decided to finally speak.

"Surely, if we retreat for today... We can prepare ourselves and get a better chance to win... But, today Toman will attack Tenjiku!" Takemitchy announced.

The crowd wasn't having it.

"What selfish shit are you talking about?!"

"It's impossible for Toman to move without Mikey!"

"Since when do you run the orders in Toman, you fuck?!"

"Don't get too carried away!!"

"At least waiting for Mikey to recover would be a better idea!!"

The crowd took their leave. Not going to Obey their First Division Captain's orders.

"Well, this is how it turns out to be huh?" Chifuyu was not surprised at all.

"... They're not wrong. But... If we retreat, things will go the way Kisaki wants it to." Takemitchy frowned.

"Then? What are you going to do?" Chifuyu asked his partner.

"Even if I have to go alone, I won't pull out from this fight."

"Right. Then let's do a double suicide then!" Chifuyu said to Takemitchy, who's shocked that he would say that.

"It's not just the two of you!!" A voice came from the crowds, Takemitchy looked down. It was Sendo Atsushi, also known as Akkun.

"I'm with you, Takemichi! Always been with you!"

"Akkun!" Takemitchy yelped.

"Takemichi is the only person who never runs away!" Takuya, Makoto and Yamagishi all agreed.

"Let's attack Tenjiku together!!!"

Rian's POV

"Takemichi is the only person who never runs away!"

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