Silence in the dark

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My head weighed a million pounds as the strong arms slid us both into a back seat of a car.

"Where you going?" I mumbled making it sound more like Whet oee gong.

The arms chuckled. I knew that chuckle, I smiled.

"Whats oee funee" And then I passed out the strong arms holding only tighter.

I could hear them talking, but my eyes werent funtioning.

It must be something to do with the Vampire bite it was slowly shutting my body down, into a trance.

"Is she sleeping" WInters voice sounded worried.

"I Really hope so, I really, really hope so." Jake, that was Jake whispering. He sounded scared, terrified.

"She got bitten by a blood sucker." Rower hissed. I felt a warm hand touch my arm.

It suddenly burned, I whimpered. 

"Don't touch her." Winter sounded Hysterical.

"You don't want the venom anywhere near you, Doesn't it make your lot shrivel up?" Jake asked.

"Yes, but if we inject it straight to our hearts and it hits the dirrect middle, it can make you incredibly strong."

"Hmm any of you tried?"

"My brother did, he didn't get it in the right place, killed him, like that." Winter whispered.

Jake let out a low grunt, "Sorry."

I couldn't see but I had a feeling WInter was upset, because Rower suddenly whispered, "Babes, Babes." 

The car sweerved and my eyes shot open. 

They were open but I couldn't see.

"Hey, hun you okay?" Jake asked happily, that I had opened my eyes.

I opened my mouth to say, "Ofcourse." But the words never came.

I couldn't speak. I opened my mouth again. But nothing.

I must have looked like a gasping Fish.

"DRIVE FASTER" Jake growled.

"Ohh Carlisle Better be there." He grimanced.

"Whos that?" 

"DOctor, Just drive Winter!" Rower shot.

I wasn't scared, I wasn't. 

I would be okay, wouldn't I?

I really wish I could open my mouth, and make noise come out, so I could ask. 

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