More then what meets the eye.

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I awoke in a bright hospital room, my arm heavily bandaged and I could feel the stitches.

Carlisle Leaned over me, "Hey Sleepy head, the morphines wearing off, now."

He smiled at me, "Oh can your Vampire snece like smell it in my blood?" I asked sleepily, Carlisle raised his eyebrows, chuckled and kept on with the diagnoses.

When Charlie and Jake Walked in, Charlie lumbered over and threw his arms around me.

"Renee will be so glad your awake, HOws your knee? Is anything injured?" Charlie fired questions at me, but my stomach had already dropped at the first thing he had said.

"You told Mum! Dad I'm Fine!" I groaned.

He looked relieve, "Oh in that case I'll step out and call your mum."

He walked over to Carlisle no doubt to check what I had just said.

Jake walked quickly over to me, I looked away, as I felt his warm hand take mine.

"Lils, What happpened?"  He asked looking upset, So what he was going to pretend it wasn't him?

"Jake, you did this!" I snapped lifting up my arm, no longer afraid but angry.

Jakes expression clouded and he looked confused, "How did I do that? Did you think of me and trip down the stairs?"

He laughed and squeezed my hand, "Beautiful what Really happened, tell me, I was so worried when Charlie called me to say you were here."

My forhead creased Charlie? when Charlie told him I was here?

"Jake you drove me to the hospital!" I yelled, why was he lying to me.

Jake looked even more confused.

"What Lily are you on about!"

"Well you came over, and I was talking about how you were a werewolf and you got, so, so angry you tarted shaking, and then you, you changed into a werewolf, your attacked me Jake, You hurt me!" and I was sobbing.

"You said you would never hurt Bella but but it's o-okay to hurt m-me!"

Jake was shaking his head, he looked like he was freaking out, like I had just told him a terrifying story.

"Lily" he whispered putting his hands on my shoulders. "I would never dream of hurting you, that wasn't me Lily, I promise. I wouldn't ever lose my temper like that."

I pushed his hands away, and looked out the window.

"I saw it Jake, I have the scars to prove it, your a werewolf, and you tried to Kill me."

Jake shook his head. "No, I'm a werewolf yes, but Lily I wanted you to know that, it makes everything more simple. who ever attacked you it wasn't me."

Just as he said that, Bella, Edward and Alice walked into the room.

"The dogs telling the truth." Alice smiled at me, gliding over and sitting on my bed, she handed me a silver wrapped present.

"What do you mean?" I whispered.

Bella took the lead then. "Well you were right Lils, They are Vampires, Jake is a werewolf, but it wasn't Jake."

I gasped "I knew I was right!"

Edward looked slightly frustrated at the fact I knew now, but Alice just plunged into explanation.

"I can see the future, its like a vampir skill." She started.

"So all Vampires are fortune tellers?" I asked confused.

ALice shook her head, "No just me, Now I can see the future, but as soon as one of these mutts." She jabbed her finger at Jake, who let off a low growl.

I shivered.

"I can't see the future where they are. I saw you get attacked, I saw who ever that was transform, I don't know what happened, but it wasn't Jake."

"Though I wish it was." Edward said cooly, "Get the wolf boy out of our lives!"

Bella punched him, and the leaned in and kissed.

Just as I was about to ask another question Carlisle walked in and made everyone leave claiming I nedded sleep.

I sighed, but before Jake left, he kissed my forehead.

"I promise Lily I will never hurt you."

And with that they all left the room. along with all the questions they had left Buzzing around my head.

Jake didn't attack me, so who did?

Was it the red head, could she be a Vampire a shape shifter and a werewolf?

Or had it been Jake and it was just easier to deny it.

No Jake, He wasn't a monster,he was, technicaly but Jake he wouldn't have done that.

Werewolf or not Jake wasn't a monster.

so who, or what.

I sighed, and turned over to sleep. Thats when I saw it.

a flash of saphire blue glinting past the window, followed by a gush of fire.

The red head, she was here.

And she there was someone, with her.

I gulped, as the medication kicked in and I fell into the darkness of a medicated sleep

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