To Lily

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The bell rang, it was my first time being at school since the accident and the rumours, were outstanding.

Some said I had been hit by a car, while walking home

Tamaki swore I had fallen off Rowers bike.

And some, though their idea sounded crazy and not many people believed them, said I had been attacked by one of the huge wolves that had been spotted lately.

Funny how the stuppidest rumour, is the one closest to the truth.

Winter was holding my good hand as we walked to gym, she was gossiping about how Sanders and Miles had been spending heaps of time together and if they could possibly be gay.

I laughed as she told me about it.

"I made a list, of all the gay things they do, I so hope they are Gay I want gay best friends!"

She passed me the list, I slipped it into my pocket.

"But you guys aren't friends?"

Winter just rolled her eyes as if I was an idiot. "Well that can change can't it?"

I laughed as She left me outside the gym.

Kissing both my cheeks in our normal goodbye.

I went into the gym, not bothering to get changed, I wasn't allowed to play sport for how ever long I didn't know, but believe me it sucked.

Sport was my life and now It was gone.

I was seriously going to get Jake and Edward to kill that blue eyed metamorphasis.

I was sitting on the wooden bench watching when Rower walked over, His tight grey jeans suggested.

He had no intentions to participate in P.E.

"Hey glad your back." He grinned at me sitting down beside me.

I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. "Guess I am."

He chuckled, "So which is it? Fell off my bike? Hit by a car? Jumped off a ciffe like your sister, or Did a big bad wolf attack you." He stuck his tongue out mockingly.

"Definately the last one." I grinned at him.

He raised his eyebrows. "And what did the big bad wolf look like?"

"Like you." I joked nudging him.

He just raised his eyebrows and wrapped his arms around me.

"Aw, but I would never hurt you, Lil lil" He chucked kissing my cheek.

I pushed him away.

"Eww you slobered on me you dork!"

He laughed harder as he pushed me off the side of the chair.


I landed on the ground. We were both rolling with laughter, Rower clutching his stomach as I clutched my arm.

Brandon ran over and picked me up, "You okay Lily?" He asked looking concerned at  my arm.

I blushed, "Yeah fine, thanks for you know-"

"Saving you?" He joked turning around and running back into the game.

Rower raised his eyebrows, "Whats with you and all these guys ae? They are all practicaly drooling over you! Is there a guy who doesn't want you?" He laughed.

Yeah, Jake doesn't.

But instead I said "Aww are you admiting to liking me aswell?"

I joked, laughing, but Rower didn't laugh.

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