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I sighed, JAke was lying beside me, so peaceful and very much asleep. 

He was snoring particularly loud. I giggled, He was so cute and fragile when he slept.

I traced my fingers down his abdominal muscles.

"Do you know how beautiful you are?"

"Do you know how much I wish I could be your Bella."

I had thought he was asleep, that he wouldn't hear me.

BUt suddenly his arms pulled me close.

"I don't need you to be my Bella, as long as you can be my Lily." He smiled sleepily kissing my forehead. 

I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him tightly.

He stared at me with his dark brown eyes, his beautiful eyes.

His face was coming closer and I was so sure this was about to be our first kiss. 

When our lips were millimeters away I felt this wet wet.. tongue! 

"ewww! what is with you wolfs!" I squeeled realising he had licked me.

He roared with bark like laughter.


I jumped ontop of him, stradling him onto the bed and pinning him down.

"Say your sorry!" I ordered him, adoring his cheekily grinning face. 

Jakes big hands rubbed my legs.

"I'm sorry." He laughed 

I cocked my head to it's side.

"Kiss me." I told him, suprised when he retaliated by putting on hand on my back on hand behind my head and pulling me close into him.

I closed my eyes ready to kiss him, our lips touched,

I grinned as I brought my lips to touch his again, when he licked my entire face.

"UGH!!" I pulled away from him laughing.

"STOP IT! Stop it!" I laughed punching him, in his muscular chest, he laughed and placed his hands around my back watching me punch him with fasination and adoratio0n on his face. 

"Aww, come on Lily, I'm half wolf I can't help it!" He joked pulling me into his chest he hugged me tight, I tensed up waiting for him to lick me.

But when he didn't I relaxed into him, and turned my head to look at him

He grinned and flicked his pink tongue up my cheek.

I squeeled and pulled away.

He twisted us around so he was lying on top of me.

I stopped and stared at him lying there ontop of me, grinning.

Thats when the tickling started.

I squeeled as his hands traced every bit of me, tickling me so I squeeled uncontrolably.

"Stop it!" I giggled

Jake laughed and stopped kissing my forehead he lay down on me, being careful not to squish me.

"say Your mine or I won't stop!" He warned

"I'm mine!" I joked the tickling started 

"Okay okay!" I squueled

JAke grinned at his accomplishment 


But before I could finsih the door opened.

JAke froze ontop of me.

"Edward said to come-" Rower stareted, but stopped seeing that JAke was ontop of me, and suddenly dawning over the wrong assumption.

HIs whole face fell, and he said quickly, "Err. Sorry I'll umm"

He turned and slammed the door.

Jake laughed "That will keep him at bay."

I didn't know what to think, and thats when Jake said it.

"Will you be My Girlfriend Lily?"

Time froze. 

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