The attack

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Jacobs mouth didn't close for  A long time.

"Uh, earth to Jake? Did you get a Vampire caught in your mouth? Or do Werewolves get fleas to?"

I laughed at my Joke, as Jake finaly closed his mouth.

"Why would you say That?"Jake finaly asked slowly sitting up, still stairing at me his eyes wide.

"Because, say what?" I asked trying to somehow push it out of him.

"That I was a werewolf." His voice was low, and strained.

"Well you are, aren't you." I answered in a voice that sounded more sure of myself then I real was.

"Of course not, that sort of stuff doesn't exsist." He said sounding like a kid who was grumpy that someone had found his secret tree hut.

"Oh really," I held his wrist, "So why are you always burning up, surely that temperature should Kill you."

"It's Just a genetic mutation, that makes me slightly warmer then normal."

I laughed that was such a stupid answer, he didn't seriously want me to believe that did he?

"And Whys Edward so Cold?"

"Because he doesn't have a heart." Jake almost snarled, I wasn't sure if it was because he was mad at me, and my questions or at Edward.

"Perfect, that would make him a vampire, I'll start carrying around garlic, and holy water."

"That isn't funny." Jake sounded slightly stunted.

"Not as funny as the fact you always dissapear at a wolfs cry."

Jake had started shaking, his hands shaking badly as he ran them through his hair.

"Quit it Lily, Just quit it." He whispered.

But I was stupid, foolish I kept going, I didn't know it would happen, I would have stopped if I did.

How could I have known, no one would have seen it coming.

"I don't think I will stop Jake, see why can't you just be straight up. Bella has a vampire bite."

"Stop it."

"You're a hot blooded, werewolf, and for all I know a murderer."

"I'm not, Stop it!"

"yOUR lying to me Jake I just need the truth!"

I clasped his hands, that were in his hair his face screwed up he was shaking Badly,

"Get off, step back, step back." Jake growled.

I didn't listen, "Jake, just-"

"LILY!" I heared Edwards voice before I saw him, before it happened.

Jake was almost convulsing, there were huge loud ripping noises as his clothes, ripped to shreds, and his body twisting madly began to grow bigger, as fur erupted all over his body, I screamed, As the mosters Claws, ripped through my flesh, as I went flying across the room.

I Lay on the ground, screaming in agony, as the monster approached.

"Jake Please," I whispered, as The monsters scorching breath hit my neck. I cowered against the werewolfs wide knowing eyes, tears fulling mine.

Edward was suddenly there, springing himself between me and the monster, A growling, a terrifying growl errupted from his throat, "Back off Jake." He hissed, though it was barely audiable.

The monster was suddenly shrinking, as Jake slowly became himself again, and when I was sure I wasn't in any danger, I closed my eyes, sobbing against the pain in my arm, hissing in pain.

Bella was there, "Oh no, not not blood so, so much blood."

I burried my head in the carpet twisting in pain, Edwards hands, his cool, cool hands were holding my arms, stopping the bleeding. "Hurry up and get some clothes on." Edward hissed at Jake.

Why the hell was Jake nakid, I let out another pierceing scream.

And Jakes arms were under me, as Edward held tightly to my arm.

"No, don't touch me!" I screamed completely terrified of Jake.

"Let go don't touch me!" I was so terrified so scared of this boy, who had verry nearly Killed me.

"Lily, Please I didn't mean-" Jake sounded close to tears.

"Please let me go." I was crying unable to move because of the pain.

"Jake passed me to Edward, who some how managed to hold me in one arm and stop the bleeding with the other.

As he ran me to that stupid shiny volvo.

"Jake You have to stop the bleeding while I drive."

Edward Hissed at him.

"No, No Let Jake drive don't let him touch me!"  I was screaming, again screaming as if being tourtured.

Jake whimpered, "Lily-please - I"

"Just drive Jake!" Bella yelled throwing him Edwards Keys.

Thats how we got to the hospital, Edward cradling me in his arm, as he stemmed the flow, at the same time hissing on his cellphone, so I couldn't understand.

Jakes, eyes stared at me in the drivers mirror, such intense pain on every feature of his perfect, murdourous face.

I Looked away, tears streaming from my face and not because of the pain.

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