Frog of the Year

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OK. The last few days have been insane. I guess I should write about what happened
Using the family vehicle, a giant bluejay named Mordecai, we flew all the way to the town where the closet girl resided. Upon landing I was scared to go into the town, but I figured if Anne can make it this far, why can't I? We entered the town with Mordecai tied to an old building. It was packed! There was a banner with "Frog of the Year" painted on it. "It's a tradition as old as I am" Connie explained "Every year the town gets together and votes for a frog that they think is the most selfless frog in the town" We walked into the town and I'm pretty sure I heard someone say "Holy Smokes! Another Anne!" Yep she was here. We came up to this yellow frog wearing blue dirty overalls "Excuse me lil one. My name is Donnie, we're looking for an Anne Boonchuy" "Oh yeah. You see that road over there? Just follow it until you come to this big old looking house" We untied Mordecai and followed the road. We found this house that look like a shoe. Hm. I nervously knocked on the door "Comin!" Came the voice of an old soul "Oh my frog! Anne get out here!" And standing right in front of me was non other than Anne Bonnchuy. "Hey Anne" "Donnie!" She hugged me so tight I thought my eyes would pop out "Donnie come on inside. This is Polly, Hop Pop, and Sprig" I put my hand out and Sprig used his tounge "Oh hey guys" She said looking at the salamanders. I then saw Polly with one of those things you'd see at a club keeping people out, forget what they're called "Anne is there some kind of party in the town tonight?" "You better believe it purple hair, come on let's go!" Everyone, except me and Sammy ran outside to the family snail "Why do I get the feeling something bad's gonna happen?" I asked as we walked outside

Back in Wartwood the town was getting kinda busy. There was a golden statue of Anne, fancy tablecloths, and a stage! Anne had somehow found the time to make a pink baseball cap with "FOTY" in green on it. I slapped my forehead "Donnie that's Stumpy. Stews smelling good! The decorations are coming along nicely, glasswares looking polished, Loggle, love that statue!" Loggle had some strange glasses, I thought they were kinda weird. Hop Pop was on the stage with some cue cards "Let me guess, he's the comedian" I said sarcastically "Alright Mr Emcee, let's hear some jokes" "OK. Have you heard about the snail that went on a diet? He's a shell of his former self" I'm a sucker for puns so I gave a little chuckle "Hm. OK OK. A little soft but keep working on it" She went to check on Sprig and I left to try and find someone who had seen Sasha

No luck. I went to practice my magic and I was gone for the better part of an hour, but I couldn't find Sasha anywhere "There you are" said Anne as she walked into the forest "Hey Anna Banana. I'm trying to find Sasha but I can't get a good signal. No luck" "Any idea where Marcy is?" She asked me "Yeah she's somewhere around Newtopia, but I lost track of her last night" Anne sighed and got back up "Hey maybe get a suit for the party eh?" That might've been the most sensible thing I heard all day. I rounded up the Salamenders and we flew back home. I helped Connie in sewing us all suits and a dress for Claire. She really wanted to wear a dress, but I wanted something that was like a mix of red and pink, kind of a dusty rose. Sasha's favorite color

That night we all headed to the party and Polly was in charge of valet "You. You. You. Nope. Sorry Donnie, can't let you in" I was very confused and Claire began tearing up "I'm just kidding! Get in there!" "Sweet" I said as we walked in with the crowd. The first thing I saw was Anne doing the dab "Oh frog no" I groaned. Speak of the devil there she was, hair slicked back, white suit with a purple sash, some weird cane, and a wooden cider cup "Welcome, my friends, to the best Frog of the Year party ever!" Just then fireworks went off and everyone oohed and awwed. I knew this wasn't gonna end well "Donald's got a bad feeling about this" I said "Huh? Aren't you Donald?" Sammy asked confused "Donnie likes to refer to himself in the third person from time to time" "Yo I'm a frog DJ!" The beats were funky, their were some fire stick spinners, and even a chocolate fountain! I like a good chocolate strawberry in my belly. I was ready for some fresh fish but the thing was still alive, and it went after the mayor. I cringed at that and looked to the stage for Hop Pop's jokes, but it was really bad improv, then I saw Sprig running by the DJ. Good god it seemed Polly was the only Plantar with a good job that she could handle. Anne tried to show some of the frogs her 2010's dance moves but they left. Hop Pop got too flustered, he handed the mic to me and ran off. I looked at Anne and she took the sash off "This party sinks. Some selfless Frog of the Year I turned out to be" The fish crashed into Anne's statue, it broke and began falling towards the stick spinners "Look out!" I shotued, diving in to grab them all. Unfortunatley one of the sticks landed on Anne's statue and caused a fire to quickly spread "At least the parties 'lit' now Anne!" Loggle said with a joking tone. Anne grabbed the sash and pulled it with her 2 hands "I'm fixing this. Right. Now!" Holding the sash in between her hands, she ran up the fountain and jumped on the fish. Throwing the sash in it's mouth to tame it, she picked up the mayor. She steered the fish like a horse, and he picked up the townsfolk. Soon the whole town was on the fishes back and I was running alongside "We've gotta put this fire out! Donnie!" "I can't! I don't know any spells to make water appear! The chocolate fountain!" The fish raced by the fountain and Toadstool grabbed the hose part of the fountain, using it to put out the fire "Yeah! Woohoo! We did it!" Toadstool said, as everyone climbed down "Yeah we did" Anne said, feeling let down with herself "You were right about me Mayor. I am selfish. I got so obsessed with proving I deserve this, I ruined everything. I'm no Frog of the Year, why did anyone even vote for me?" Hop Pop stepped forward "Anne we didn't vote for you because we're flawless, far from it. We voted for you cause of how far you've come. You've grown so much in your time here and this town just wouldn't be the same without you" Everyone cheered as I put a hand on Anne's shoulder to try and cheer her up. Mayor Toadstool gave up "Gosh dang it! I tried to fight it, but I have to say even I'm a little impressed with how you just saved the town from a raging inferno. I think this belongs to you" Toadstool handed the sash back to her "Thanks Mayor" she said with tears in her eyes "Yeah. Yeah. Don't mention it. Now come on everyone, let's try to salvage this party, shall we?" Everyone cheered in agreement. It took a while but with mine and Connie's magic combined we all got in done within about 45 minutes. Folk music was playing and everyone was having a good time. Anne, Sprig, and I were resting on a picnic table "Sorry I tried to rush you into confessing your love to Ivy. You do that when you're good and ready" "Thanks Anne, when the moment strikes I'll know it" Just then that little yellow frog I saw earlier came up to us "Hey Sprig. There's something I've, uh, been meaning... to ask you. I, uh... Do you, um... DO YOU THINK YOU'D WANNA GO OUT WITH ME SOMETIME?" Sprig gasped and Anne squealed "What is wrong with you?" I thought to myself. Ivy blushed red and freaked out "Ah never mind. I'm stupid. This is stupid! This is stupid!" She pull her hat over her eyes and began to walk off. Sprig stopped her "Ivy wait! I'd love to. Wanna dance?" "Heck yeah!" Anne and I chuckled "So how did you survive this long?" I asked her "It's a really, really long story Donnie" The mayro's assistant, Toady walked up to us "Ahem! Ms Frog of the Year? There's someone waiting at the bridge for you. They say they're a friend" Anne and I looked at each other "Sasha!" We both said at the same time, we ran to the bridge out of town. And on it, stood Sasha Waybright. "Anne? Donnie?!" She shouted, pulling off her cloak. "Sasha?!" we both exclaimed, I thought I was gonna cry

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