A hero returns

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We had to attack a giant slug, it was under Andrias's control with those weird collars. Croaker, Wally, Loggle, Sasha and I climbed ontop of Ivy's wrecked house "Ready! Aim! Fire!" I shouted, and Sasha fired the weapon. The slug collapsed and I finally got a good look at who it was attacking. Hop Pop, Sprig, Polly, Frobo with wheels, and Anne! The collar broke and the slug ran off. The frogs walked up to them, and took off their helmets. Anne was beyond shocked at seeing Loggle. When I say he's hot, HE IS HOT. The Plantars started questioning things as Sasha and I walked up "Anne?" I asked. Sasha threw down the weapon, and took off her helmet "I don't believe it! Y-You're back!" Anne was shocked "Sasha! Donnie!" She ran up and hugged us both "You're alive! And in Wartwood? What's going on? What happened?" "Follow me, and I'll explain" Sasha said, and we walked back to the Plantars house. One thing I forgot to mention, was that we tunneled out the basement. It's now an underground little community. Like in Maze Runner or something. Sasha greeted chuck at the door "Chuck" "Tulips" I opened the door and the 3 frogs walked in "Woah" Sprig said, shocked. Hop Pop had a big question "Wait, our house is your secret hideout?" I walked up to the fireplace "Only the basement" I punched the bricks and the tunnel opened up "Ayyyy" I said "No way! The Plantar family tunnels?" Sprig asked "Let's go" I said, and led them all down. They were astonished "Welcome my froggy friends, to 'La Resistance'" Anne looked at me "Stop watching that Star show, dude" "I can't it's embeded in my brain"

We walked down, and Sasha explained what had gone on with Andrias and Marcy. Anne breathed a sigh of relief at knowing Marcy was OK. We walked onto the main stage of the community, Sasha blowing the town's horn as we went. Everyone gathered round, and Sasha addressed them "Attention Wartwood, I'd like to introduce some new recruits!" Anne and the Plantars poked their heads out from behind the statue, and everyone was so excited to see them again. "IT'S ANNE AND THE PLANTARS" They all shouted. I addressed them all "Right settle down everyone, they came back just in time!" Sasha finished up my speech "To help us kick Andrias right in the big old tail!" I handed the 3 frogs a bag of essentials each. "Here you go guys, there's a cave I left open for you, I'll take you." I looked at the girls "You 2 should work things out amongst yourselves" and we walked off "I'm gonna miss the electric toothbrush" said Hop Pop "Whaaaaaaaaaat?" I thought to myself

After I helped the Plantars get settled in, I walked to Sasha's cave with them. Then I saw Anne holding the commanders helmet "That's not gonna go well" I thought. Sasha placed a collar on the table "I'm sure you've seen the mind control collars Andrias is using to control the local wildlife" She pulled out a map as I walked over to her side "Turns out they're being made here" I said pointing to a spot on the map "How do these things even work?" Anne asked, holding one of them up. Sasha explained "It uses some kind of weird mushroom enzyme" Sprig placed an arm on the table "Gee, wonder where I've heard that before" Anne, Polly, and Sprig looked at Hop Pop with their eyebrows raised "I turned ya into zombies one time!" He exclaimed "We'll talk later H.P." I said "The mission is simple" Sasha said as stapped a sword into the table "Destroy the factory! If we're succesful, it'll make a big dent in Andrias's army" "Alright, let's do it" Said Anne. Polly whipped out Anne's phone "Great! I'll call us a taxi app!" I looked at her and explained "Polly, that's not gonna work anymore" "UGH! Fine! I guess we'll walk!" Hop Pop shot his head up "Anyone got any hand sanitizer? I never noticed how dirty Amphibia was" His hands were a mess "Don't worry H.P., I got you" Sprig said, as he squirted some hand sanitizer on Hop Pop's hands. "Dude, Earth made them soft" I said, looking at Sasha. "Anyway, get some sleep gang. We leave at dawn" "See you in the morning" Sprig said as they left. Just then Grime came into the cave "Hey Grime" Anne said "Welcome back Anne- I mean Commander" "I know! Weird right?" As soon as she left Grime and I looked at Sasha "You gave Anne the helmet?!" We both said "Yeah. If Anne is here, I can't be in charge. It's just too complicated" Grime looked dissapointed "But-but she's never led an army!" I pointed my finger to the roof "And she has no idea how much Amphibia has changed, or what we're up against!" Sasha gave us both a death stare "I said it's COMPLICATED" I swear I got chills when she said that "Fine! Just would've been nice to know I was demoted, again" He turned and walked out "Riiight. Welp I'm gonna get some sleep so I'm bright eyed and ready to go in the morning" I gaved Sasha a kiss on the forehead and walked off "Night Donnie!" She called "Night Sash!" I called back and walked back to my cave

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