☂︎︎𝑆𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝐷𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔☂︎︎

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A cold, dreary Monday set the whole academy in a dazed mood. Not much noise was heard from any of the rooms, most likely the teens were busy with their studies. Sir Reginald never failed to forget their academic courses, no matter how much the kids had hoped. Even on the weekends, they were at their desks working away with whatever it may be. It sent the message that whoever sets foot into the mansion, they must straighten their posture, put on a quiet smile, and hold their chin high.

It also sent the message that there were strict rules set for each individual who wishes to visit, stay, or live there. Especially the children. There was to be no fooling around during free hours, no shouting, no visiting other's rooms under free will, no inappropriate actions or behavior of any sort, and so on. Not one child enjoyed these rules by any means, but still was grateful that they even had a father with good parenting techniques that would fit those who were stuck-up snobs who expect money to grow off trees. So overall, the days were either action packed, full of fighting criminals and throwing knives, or just plain dull, full of homework and staring at ceilings.

This day, however, outside of the academy lay dark clouds in the evening sky. They were visible from the windows, and lit the building with a light gray hue. In Five's opinion, it was quite relaxing. No sunshine meant another day of laying in bed, watching the clouds roll by slowly with a small smile on his face. It was somehow a distraction from reality. It made him forget, even for a second, of the people he has hurt or killed. Even though he wanted to satisfy his father by saving the people of New York, he never found it pleasing to harm others. Whether that be a robber, or just a simple man with a gun. Five would lie awake every night, thinking of the horrified look on their faces before- nothingness.

A frown was set upon the boy's face then, and he played with one of his baby toy cars he had picked up from his shelf. The thing must be 10 years old, it was covered with a thin layer of dust and grime. The squeak of the metal when Five turned one of the wheels slowly made his frown deepen. The last noise he has heard in hours. Oh, how he would love to listen to an old Billie Holiday record and slowly drift away into a deep sleep...

And that was when Five heard it. The low, distant sound of an old record playing in another room commenced, as if he started the music with his mind. His bright green eyes looked up from the toy he held, and he listened. The song wasn't recognizable, but it gave him the comforting feeling that he'd known the song for years. No singing was heard, but just the steady beat of the piano and violin completed the song just fine.

Curiosity took control, and Five slowly slipped out of his bed, and out of his room. The idea that Sir Reginald was probably listening to one of his records again stopped him in his tracks. Though, his father was out for some sort of meeting that night, so his steps carried on down the hallway. Surely the rest of his siblings were fast asleep at this hour, so who was playing the music?

The dim light of a night light shone through the slightly opened door to one of his sibling's rooms, Y/N. The girl was not personally known by the academy, since her shyness took control of having any conversations with the siblings. Not to mention she was also always in her room listening to music all day long. The girl was never considered part of the family, since she moved into the academy three years ago. Every time she tried to open up to his siblings, they would dismiss her with a vigorous wave of their hand, or would downright ignore her. Five had never felt so terrible for someone before. Y/N always tried her best to befriend the kids, but was never successful, besides with Five. The look on her face when she realized that he appreciated her company broke his heart. It was obvious she has never had a friend.

The two were inseparable. Their small talk slowly became more in depth over time, but not too much. They were both shy and timid towards each other, but still were best of friends. Sometimes, when it was in the middle of studying hours, he would sneak into her room to talk with her, or to just enjoy each other's presence. Either way, he never complained.

𝑖 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢. [𝐴𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑛/𝐹𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠]Where stories live. Discover now