☏☂︎︎𝐻𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑡 | 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡 2☂︎︎☏

174 8 3

Idk if I like this one but whatever

Chunks of my H/C hair on the floor surrounded me as the hair stylist chimed, "Done!", and turned my chair around to let me view myself. My hair turned out better than expected. It was a side swept long taper cut and bits of my hair covered my eye. I never realized how much a haircut could shape your face, and my eyes widened at my reflection. I looked drastically different.

That reminded me of Five. What would he think? What would he say? Would he think I look weird? Questions swirled around in my head until it almost made me dizzy. My concentration was only focused on Five, and it made me forget that the stylist was talking to me. Her hand that held the thinning scissors waved around in the air as she explained how to wash and style my hair properly. I nodded as if I heard what she was saying.

The kind stylist took the styling cape off my shoulders and I hopped off the chair. The only thing I wanted to do was get Five, go home, and sleep. Talking to people just drained me. Just walking into the salon was just as tiring as it could get. It was always a wonder how people could get around so easily conversing with people. She led me to the front to allow me to pay, and I pulled out my wallet and took out my debit card. No telling how much money I've spent with this debit card over the past week, it's been so rough.

"Thank you for visiting." The monotone-lady muttered beside my hair stylist, and I reluctantly shuffled to the waiting room. The sunlit room was empty, other than Five taking up two leather seats, curled up and asleep. No telling how long I've been back there, it wasn't a surprise that he dozed off. His dark hair was messy and in his face, and his blazer slightly rode up his back. A pink blush tinted his cheeks, and I wondered what he was dreaming about. Though, the boy was probably asleep for about 10 minutes. He couldn't have dreamt of much.

A quiet chuckle escaped my lips, and I picked the sleeping boy up bridal style. The last thing I wanted to happen was for him to wake up from his peaceful slumber, so I made sure to be careful. Thankfully, his eyes remained closed. Oh, how he needed sleep. Five was always so engrossed in his work, that he would stay up nights on end to finish even one equation. His eyes would be bright red, and dark circles would circle them. No matter how many times I pleaded for him to take a break, he would mutter 'in a second', or just scoff at me as if I was being ridiculous. Nothing he worked on made sense to me, but he was so passionate about it, so I didn't question it.

I stifled a laugh when I saw the desk lady stare at me with an unpleasant expression when I was carrying Five outside of the salon. My foot kicked the door, and he and I exited the salon, and approached the car. The sun fell slightly above the city skyline, and it gave the town a rest from its blinding glory. Neither the windows nor the sidewalks shined with bright light then, but with a dull orange. I have been there for around an hour, so the siblings wouldn't notice I was gone. I could be gone for days and they wouldn't notice. But if Five left? Yes. Yes they would.

The car beeped as I unlocked it, and I adjusted my grip on him once I opened the passenger door. I carefully placed Five into the seat, and walked over to the driver's seat.

Buildings passed by as I silently drove back to the Academy with the best of my ability. A few stop signs I have missed, and a couple curbs I've run up on startled me, but I shook the terror off my face and continued paying attention to the road. Too bad Five was not awake, for he would have kindly taken the wheel for me. Well, he wasn't asleep for much longer.

When I was paying attention to the road, I felt a hand tuck a piece of my short hair behind my ear, and I flinched. Five was wide awake, and his body was facing mine. All the fatigue that shadowed his face disappeared. "You got a lot cut off." He mumbled with a smile.

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