☂︎︎𝑁𝑜𝑡 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝐸𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ ☂︎︎

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A story where Five thinks he isn't good enough.

[If you ever think this about yourself, please know that you absolutely are good enough in every way. If someone says otherwise, they may think poorly of themselves. Always know that you're loved and everything will be ok :)]

I didn't really edit this so I hope this turned out ok.

Minutes, hours, and days passed by almost as if it was a forgotten memory. Everyday was like this. Boring. Gray. The town of New York looked like it was painted black and white, fading away at its edges. People thought that New York was iconic, buildings that had lights that twinkle brighter than the stars in the sky, cinnamon scented winds, streets buzzing with happiness and life. They were absolutely wrong.

Amongst the lonely shadows of the buildings stood the Academy. Back then, the building was well known, as well as the children. Anyone who walked past the Academy felt a sense of safety; they knew that if anything were to happen, the six children were on their way. Now? Well, for the most part, they've been forgotten.

It didn't help that the academy parted ways when they grew older, or changed into new people entirely (besides Luther). Diego started working at a boxing club, Allison was worried about her daughter, Klaus found himself in rehab, and Vanya was god knows where playing her violin. That left Five and Y/N.

It was no major surprise that there was another apocalypse inevitably coming. It wasn't the academy's first time, so they were prepared for what's going to come. Figure out the meaning behind this tragedy, stop whatever is causing it, and move on in life. Though, the academy had one issue: Vanya wasn't the one to cause this apocalypse. It was unknown in the group, and if they couldn't find the agitator, there wasn't much they could do.

Five has been through it all, has seen things not any average being would ever even think of in their lifetime. His past was beyond traumatizing, and he would find himself waking up with a loud start in the middle of the night because of it. It didn't help that he found himself trying to stop the same apocalypse once again. It felt like a tape recorder replaying itself over and over again.

There must be a solution. There must be a way out of this. There must be a way to save my family. The voices in Five's head began to spin out of control when he faced his bedroom wall, a piece of broken chalk forgotten in his hand.

The green bedroom walls were covered with his thoughts and calculations; all out of order. As the day progressed, they began to mix together, like flour and sugar. No difference, impossible to separate again. It's all too much, he told himself as he ran his hand through his gelled back hair, messing it up. But I need to keep going. I need to save the world. His green eyes slid to his window, and his throat tightened.

The forecast was wrong. What was supposed to be a bright and sunny day, turned out to be a bleak and lonely shade of sorrow. The meteorologists weren't always right with predictions when it came to New York.

It also was a reminder that no one was there for him. Five's family gave up on him, telling him that it was all his fault. Even Luther stepped aside to seethe at him, hissing "You dragged us into this mess, Five. Don't you realize what you did? We're all going to die, and it'll be your fault." No one understood that it wasn't him who caused the apocalypse. Though, his words rang in his head repeatedly, until he gave up and believed him.

A dull ache brought Five to his senses, and he stopped his furious writing on the wall. It never occurred to him that his chalk finally wore down to a crumb, and his fingers were rubbed raw by the wall, leaving them red.

Frustration creeped up his throat, causing him to yell and hurl the rest of his chalk across the room. The pieces smashed against the door and shattered, turning to dust. All of Five's calculations were wrong, they were all wrong. His family is going to die because of him. It's all his fault.

𝑖 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢. [𝐴𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑛/𝐹𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠]Where stories live. Discover now