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Yay Five is gay in this one

we all love fruity Five ;)

also this one isnt depressing this time its just cute in my opinion


If there were to be any holiday worse than Halloween, it would be Valentine's Day. Even the name itself is absurd. The very definition of 'Valentine' is buying cheap chocolates and calling your partner idiotic nicknames and kissing each other until you pass out. Either that or you receive nothing. No candies, no cards, not even a smile is passed your way. There is no in between. All and all, the holiday is pointless. Why determine your odds of getting your heart broken or falling in love all in one day? It's a waste of time and money, why not just ignore it all together?


Time had flown past faster than anyone in New York could ever imagine. The previous year quickly bled into the past, mixing in with the other years that have faded away. No one was really up for celebrating, except the middle aged group that gathered around Times Square just to see the iconic ball drop. But, a new year equals a brand new start. A brand new start for failing your studies, giving up on resolutions, and dreading each day as if it were your last. A boy named Y/N was not optimistic for this new year, and for one reason only. Valentine's Day. It was coming up shortly, and in a week actually.

The academy had already been passing out cards to each other privately. It was disgusting, due to the fact that we were siblings; well, not blood related. The cards were merely just reminders of how they were complete dickheads and they wanted them to die or a simple 'You're super cool' with a big red heart on the side. They all knew that Y/N despised this upcoming holiday, so they didn't bother to even shoot him a kind glance his way for two weeks straight.

Lucky for him he was not part of the dysfunctional family and moved in several years after the infamous birth of The Umbrella Academy. This made his relationship with the siblings vastly different than the others. He was never close with them, in fact he never seemed to care. Unless asked a question, he would stay silent for the whole day, causing his throat to dry up from the lack of conversation. He preferred it that way. Unless, Number Five came around.

Five was one of the eccentric siblings Sir Reginald had raised, him also being the most powerful of the bunch. His abilities were to spatial jump and time travel through space. Y/N always found his powers interesting despite the others, and he didn't know that Five thought the same with his. His powers were to psychically generate and move electricity. He could move particles through an electric field in a fluid with a net mobile charge. Basically, he could move lightning. Once the academy had acknowledged his abilities, no one seemed to care besides Five. He was strange in Y/N's opinion. He always had quite a fascination over him, and it never clicked with him as to why.

He would always sneak into Y/N's room in the middle of the night just to chat, he would make him his favorite type of coffee in the morning, or he would offer to help him study for an upcoming test. Hell, even one time he snuck out of training just to talk with him when he fell ill. When things like this happened, Y/N never minded; in fact, he enjoyed it. He never talked with anyone, and actually liked the extra company. Five was always the nicest to him out of all the others that lived in the academy, and always will be.

Which brings you to now.

Y/N sat in a comfy chair in the corner of the living room, spending his time reading a book in peace. The book he held was found on the bookcase that took up a fourth of the wall in the room. The shelves were filled with Reginald's most famously boring books that he had never read, or anyone for that matter. And since Y/N had nothing else to do or waste his time on, he grabbed one of them, not even checking the title, and began reading. Already, he absolutely dreaded analyzing each word that was printed on the page. But what else was he going to do?

𝑖 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢. [𝐴𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑛/𝐹𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠]Where stories live. Discover now