Time For A W̶a̶r̶n̶i̶n̶g̶ Warming Welcome!

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|How hard can fitting in be?|
|Very hard apparently|

From: The Neighborhood Council

To: [Y/N] [L/N], Cornelious Robinson... + 16 others

Sent: 3:25PM

Topic: Newcomers.

Good Afternoon! We hope this email finds you all well!

Off to business, it seems we have some newcomers in the neighborhood that the Council wasn't aware of prior to them moving in. That being said, we aren't going to turn them away, but we should discuss them as a community to make sure they won't cause more ruckus than they already have. We work together as a team to make sure everyone is safe and welcome.

We will hold a meeting at the Robinson house on Friday at 6:00 PM to discuss them and to make sure they won't cause harm or stress to anyone else. Feel free to bring some food as the Robinsons have graciously allowed us to eat dinner with them if anyone wishes to.

Thank you and have a nice day.

...That's a bunch of bull.

The Neighborhood Council was... well, the Council of the Neighborhood. It's just as simple as it sounded, it was a group of people around the neighborhood who got together either every couple of months, or for "urgent discussions" as they claimed they were, about said neighborhood.

In reality, it was just a bunch of people complaining about shit that either got ignored and never addressed, or everyone acted passive-aggressive towards each other.

Specifically you, but sometimes they targeted other people.

The Neighborhood Council never liked you, no one in the area really does. Everyone was either here for retirement or had families with spoiled brats and angsty teenagers. So of course you didn't tell them about Sans and the others because you didn't want to answer to a bunch of Karen's who think they can treat you like crap. It's your house, you can do whatever you want.

Then again, if you didn't come to the meeting, the Council is going to come knocking at your door if you didn't say in advance that you weren't coming and they would find one of the skeletons at the door if you couldn't answer.

And you know one of them is afraid of zombies and anything undead.

And that would already make you look worse than you already see, and the last thing you want is unwanted judgment from people you don't even talk to.

But of course, it's held at the Robinson's house.

You close your laptop and rub your face with a groan of annoyance.
You don't like them to put it nicely.

Plain and simple.

Four of them lived in that house, Cornelius, his wife Franny, and their two kids Wilbur and Lewis. Franny had cornered you away from the others during your first Council meeting and told you to go burn in hell with both Monsters and Mages. And whenever you saw Cornelious, he'd always tell you that you were doing something wrong -

- like existing.

Which to be fair, is true, but still rude.

Then their kids -

You love kids but stars do you hate them.

Wilbur was 7, but he was smart of his age. At 1:00 AM sometime in the summer, he TPed your house.

Like, all of it.

Your house had been completely covered in toilet paper, so much you couldn't even see out your windows. Even on your roof you still question to this day how he got up there. He's half your height and still uses a car seat.

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