Time To Expose Some Shit

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| People "spill the tea" or something |
| because they're old |

"So does anyone else want to donate for Wilbur's recital?"

"Is 20 bucks okay?"

"Of course Sam, anyone else?"

"I'll toss 100."

"Generous as always Susan. Anyone else?"

The garage is silent with only the occasional cricket chirp and Red anxiously tapping his foot on the ground. You've been sitting here for the past three fucking hours listening to them talk, when will they ever be done? Wasn't this meeting supposed to be about you anyway? Maybe they forgot and you can finally leave -

"Alright!" Cornelius' wife, Franny, falsely chirped as she closed the folder she was reading. She tossed the hardcover over to her husband, before crossing her legs and arms and turning to you with her signature shit-eating grin. "Last but not least is [Y/N!]"


Stifling back a yawn, you tiredly glance at Franny rolling your eyes. "Yes?" You ask her as you struggle to keep your eyes open.

She puts on a fake smile before clearing her throat. "Well, you never told us you were going to have..." She trails off, quickly glancing at Red. "...guests staying with you."

"That's my business to handle." You point out, resting your chin on your hand not even bothering to hide you don't care what she thinks. "They're my friends who had nowhere else to stay so I offered them to live with me until they can get back on their feet."

"Even so, we weren't made aware of the situation." She starts off, her voice pissing you off. "And under normal circumstances, that would be perfectly fine. But they've been causing a ruckus lately and it's been starting to get on people's nerves."

"Yeah!" Someone, you think his name is George, jumped in. "The other day, there was a bunch of yelling and you woke both me and my poor Mittens up and she couldn't sleep for the rest of the night!"

"And just this morning, one of them nearly ran my baby Charlie over!" Evan explains angrily. "All I saw was blue as my life flashed before my eyes at the thought of losing her!"

"ahhh." Red was so quiet the whole time, you thought he wasn't listening. "yea, s'rry. berry get's 'xcited when he's ridin' a bike."

"Blue has a bike?" The skeleton shrugs at your question.

"found it yesta'day at the dump." Red explained yawning. "thought he said s'rry."

"Well if he did, we wouldn't be having this conversation you -" George stops mid-yell as Red smirks at him, staring at him patiently.

"please continue that sentence." Red said politely, yet you could hear the threatening undertone in his voice.

Mr. Johnson glanced between the skeleton and George, both humans obviously nervous, but the old man switches the conversation back to the topic at hand as he jumps in. "Your friends have been scaring the children and threaten some of the other inhabitants of the neighborhood."

Ahh, he's probably talking about Edge. The other day you watched the skeleton staring back at some kids riding their bikes before they sped away in the opposite direction. It saddened you to watch him look unfazed as he asked Papyrus for a ride to work but it really wasn't your place to say anything. You don't think he's threatening anyone though.

"tellin' someone to piss off while they stare at ya' when pickin' up the newspa'pa isn't threatenin'. Red rebuttals with a grumble, pinching the bridge of his nose frustratedly.

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