Time For...wait, this isn't canon?

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| - you even know how this works? |
| Relax, it's just a summary of the chapter. |
| Well, it's on speech to text right now so I hope | | you do. |
| What - oh shit, how do you turn that off? |
| That icon on the left I think. |
| Your left or my left? |
| We have the same - |
| Hello dear reader! This is a very special |
| chapter so grab some popcorn, |
| sit back, relax and enjoy reading! |
| ...ow is this? |
| ......s'good.|
| Thanks - |
| It's back on speech to text though. |
| Wha - goddam - |

"fucking short ass motherfucker doesn't know what he's talking about - "

Stretch enters the kitchen and opens the first cabinet he sees, his frown growing with irritation as all he finds are some bowls and cups.

"nice. he calls her nice! she's such a needy fucking bitch - "

Stretch snaps his fingers and a large bowl surrounded by orange magic floats from the shelf and he walks away to the next cabinet. The bowl lands on the table and the previous cabinet closes itself, also surrounded by orange magic.

"the second we're out of his shallow ass neighborhood, i bet she'll throw a fucking party." Stretch scoffs, disappointed as the next cabinet as nothing he needs.

"she's so fucking annoying with that voice of hers." Stretch opts to look in some drawers, to which he grabs some spoons, forks, and fortunately for him, a spatula and whisk.

"least her shit is good quality." The skeleton mumbles under his breath before closing said drawers. "everything else about her should burn."

Continuing his search, he goes to some of the other cabinets and his feelings of relief disappear when he once again finds nothing of use to him.

"bitch can't even keep her shit organized." Closing the doors, he knees down to the bottom cabinets. "why does she need all this fucking junk?"

Opening the bottom cabinets gave Stretch some cleaning supplies and oddly enough, books.

...wait, books?

"who the fuck keeps books under the sink?" Still holding the utensils in one hand, he grabs a book and pulls it out to look at the cover.

The first one was titled 'Love, It's Cold Outside,' the cover being some woman showing her back covered in snow. Curiously, he turned the book to the back, wondering about the synopsis.

'Keanu Hickman was only hoping to promote his business at a fancy ski resort. No drama whatsoever. What he wasn't hoping for was a beautiful countess - '

Stretch couldn't help but snicker at countess. How the hell does that tie in with a ski resort? He's pretty sure they don't exist anymore.

' - Alex Luxei, to take an interest in him the minute she arrived.'

'However, she's weird. A little too weird for Keanu's liking, and he can't help but investigate what plagues her mind - '

Stretch can already tell this book is bad.

'Once he does, he deserves something he can never unsee. Will he help her through he predicament, or will everyone blow up into an absolute disaster?'


...yep, pure shit.

Stretch stares at the book a few more seconds, contemplating on what to do with it.

He could put it back and pretend it never existed.

Or he could just take it for himself and return it later, it seemed untouch and worn out. But still readable.

A Skeleton's Hope (Rewritten!)Where stories live. Discover now