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Liam's Pov

"I know because I am James. Your friend from Twitter, James" Niall tells us and they all look at him in shock

Wait what? What is he talking about?

"What? How do you know James is a friend of ours from Twitter?" Louis asks still confused the question I wanted to ask.

"I know because I am James" he tell them again trying to make us believe him

"How?.... That's not... That's not possible" Harry asks completely confused

"It is! I created a fan account to see what my fans really think of me and my songs. I only created it for this, I never meant for it to go this far, but then...but then I met you Shawn. You added me to the groupchat and I just couldn't leave" he tells us and I don't know what to think

He's been making fun of us all these time?

"So all these time you were laughing with us?" Shawn asks

"What? NO! I could never. You guys are my friends" he says but I do t believe him

"Your friends? I am sorry but you don't lie to your friends!" Zayn says, he stays silent, of course he doesn't know what to say us.

"So that's why we never saw James face, because it was you!" Harry states and he nob still looking at the ground.

"Why didn't you tell us? If we are yours friends like you said you should have trusted us" Louis says as a mother of fact and he is right, he should have told us.

"I was scared that you will never talk to me again" he tell us and I can't take this freaking show anymore.

He was scare? Scared? So he only thought about himself and not us, his friends like he says we are!

"And now it's better? You feel better now that you've lied to us all these time? I bet you didn't once consider how we would feel. No I bet you only thought that we will forgive you since we are fans of yours! But guess what, I won't forgive you! I trusted it you and that's what you do... Fuck you Niall or is it James? Which one do you prefer?!" I asked but before he could answer me I left

I can't believe that he lied to us like that. I trusted him! Oh my god, what a fool I am, I told Niall that I am in love with him. He was surly laughing with me and thinks I am obsessed over him.

I hate how much I want to hate him, but I can't because I love him. Ugh! I'm such an idiot he will never see me like that and right now I'm not sure I want him to.

I was outside alone for a few minutes before I hear footsteps coming my way, maybe it's Niall, I thought. But no it was only Zayn. What a fool I am thinking he will run after me to apologize.

"Lili are you ok?" I hear my best friend say but instead of answering him I hugged him and cried on his shoulder

"Sshhh baby, everything will be ok"he said and kissed my head. I could never see Zayn more than my best friend. He is like a big brother to me and so is Shawn. These 2 belong together!

Right now I need my 'big brother' to hug me. "How could he do this Zayn?" I asked him while I was ugly crying on his shoulder

"He would have a good reason to do this Liam. Let him explain. I am sure he is sorry" he says with a sad face

"If he was sad he would have been the one running to me to explain not you Zayn" I angrily storm out but I realized I sounded harsh and apologized immediately.

"Not that I am not grateful you come, I love you Zayn, but I was hoping it was Niall" I explained and he nobbed.

"You don't have to apologize to me Lili, I completely understand" he smiled "He will explain everything to you, don't worry darling" he continues (A/N See what I did there? 😂)

"I just really like him and I can't believe that he lied to my face like that... I told him so many embarrassing things and also things that I haven't told many people... Damn I told him I loved him" I started crying

"I told Niall I love him, oh my god... What did I do Zaynie?" I freaked out

"No no Lili don't cry, please, I can't see you like that, it makes me sad" Zayn said and I felt bad

"I am so sorry Zayn. I don't want to feel sad because of me" I tell him and hug him

Zayn hugs me "I am the one comforting you not the opposite" he says and I laugh

"Zaynie I want to go, I don't think I can be here anymore" I truthfully told him and he nob

"We have to call the others and inform them we are leaving" but before he could call Shawn we saw the boys coming towards us, without Niall.


I sign and Zayn must have realised why because he put his hand on my back and draw circles to calm me down "I am sure he will come and explain himself"

I hope so, but I'm still mad at him and I think I need a bit time away from him.

"I understand" Zayn said and I looked at him confused. "You said it out loud Lili" he explained and I nobbed

That's why, for a minute I thought he was a mind reader.

But I honestly hope he talks to me because I truly love him and I honestly don't think I can't live without talking to him.

But not now. Now I need some time alone with my thoughts.

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