Chapter 2, Flame

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You know females will never be able to go into battle in this pack for a long time. For now just let the males do all the work while you relax and mabe become a Healer. You know that is the best course of action if you want to be anywhere near the battlefield. You can also take self defence classes so you can be a field Healer. Then I can be your appointed guard. Just be patient with your training.”  

I scowl at that memory. That is the last conversation I had with my true love, Kelick, before he was whisked away for a war we may never win. Yes I took his advice and became a Healer but I will never complete my training in time to be a field Healer before he dies on the battlefield. Yes I am a negative thinker, but I think it just prepares me for what will inevitably come. As dusk comes upon us I look at my mentor. She nods her head and I rush out to greet the incoming warriors. When the warriors come through the entrance, I can immediately tell something is wrong. Kelick drags himself to me, his hind legs badly injured to the point where he can barely walk. I rush to him and start trying to heal him. He endures the pain and tells me what happened without me having to ask.

“We were ambushed on our way back by Shadow warriors,”

“They're getting stronger. If they weren't they wouldn’t have even thought to attack you guys,”

“I fear you may be-ouch-right this time,”

“Sorry! I know I’m right,”

“It’s not your fault. So how bad is it?”

“Bad. Out of my expertise,”

“Fuck. So no more fighting?”

“Not for a while at least. I’m sorry, but I need to tend to other wolves,”

“You’re fine,”

“I assume you can show yourself to the medical den?”

“Yes, thank you,”

“You’re welcome,” I feel the ground pounding as if there is a stampede but Kelick doesn’t seem to notice it. Then I feel a sharp pain on my back before everything turns black.


“The Blaze pack has always had the element of fire since the sun and moon gave their powers. The Breeze Pack-wind, The Rock Pack-earth, The Ocean Pack-water, and the Sun Pack-life. The Shadow Pack once had the power of death, but instead of using that power for good, they started ambushing scout groups on other’s territory, angering the sun and moon. As a punishment, they took all power and exiled the Shadow Pack. A year later the sun and moon decided to give magic to Healers and Alphas to all the Packs with the exception of The Shadow Pack.”
I jolt awake and it takes me a while to find out where I am. I see the cleanliness of the medical den and I try to stand up to go back to my den. I move my front paws under me but when I try to move my back legs, a wave of pain shoots from my right paw to the middle of my back. I grunt in pain but instead of giving up I keep trying to stand. After five attempts I succeed in standing, only to be pushed down gently by Kelick. I hiss in pain as my body puts pressure on my injury.

“What happened?” I ask, unsure of how I came upon this injury.

“You don’t remember?”

“No. If I did, I wouldn’t be asking this question, would I?”

“Point taken,”

“Your ignoring my question,”

“Fine *sigh* the Shadow warriors attacked the encampment,”

“Their getting reckless,”

“Yes but they did what they must have come here for,”
“Which was?”

“They killed Alpha,”

“WHAT! NO!!”

“He’s not dead yet. He still needs to appoint an heir. And he wants it to be you, Kelick,” my mentor comes in surprising us both. “Although he will need to be put out of his misery when he officially appoints Kelick here as Alpha and since you haven’t taken your Healer vows yet, Flame, it has to be you. Also you two will be going to an emergency meeting to discuss these attacks,”

“But why do I need to go to this meeting mentor?” I ask unsure of her reasoning.

“All will be explained when you get there. For now we must go to the ceremony,”

“Yeah, one where I need to kill our trusted leader,”


It’s after the ceremony and my mentor comes over to me. I sink down, disappointed that it is not Kelick.
“I understand that was hard on you, but Kelick needs you now more than ever. People will be coming into his den trying to take advantage of him. You did great, you know. I would have never been able to put a paw there,” She adds as I jump up and rush to Kelick’s side.

“Who is it?” Kelick asks, exhaustion clear in his voice. I barge in and somehow manage an understandable sentence.

“You didn’t make any new rules by the suggestion of someone else did you?”

He smiles weakly at me, “No, but with their persisting I was thinking about giving in”

“Don’t. And as your mate I will be right here to make these decisions with you,”

“Um about that,”

“What did you do?”

“I didn’t do anything but someone came in here demanding I be their daughter’s mate and said that the mate bonding ceremony was to be held tomorrow at sunset and stormed out of here without letting me say a word. Sorry,”

“Ah!! But, that isn’t your fault. They practically demanded that you do it and you are already bonded to me. Nothing to worry about in that department. Now what else is there?”



“Did I ever tell you about how amazing you are?”


“Well I’m saying it again. Thank you,”

“Well we can’t let our pack downfall either now can we?”

“That too,”


As I watch the pups I can't help but overhear what two mothers are saying to each other.

"Alpha had better show up. I've promised my daughter that she would have him as a mate,"

"Really? Didn't you hear? He already has a mate. People say they even have pups!"

"It doesn't matter. He will see my daughter's beauty and immediately change his mind about the mate he has already,"

"I doubt it, but you can sure try,"

"I will! But to the point you made about him having pups, don't you think that those two look like him?"

“A little yeah. Why?”

“I might kill them”

Upon hearing this, I leap in front of them to shield my cubs, “To get to them you will have to go through me!”

“Ahh, so your the mate,”

“What’s it to you?!”

“Everything. I wonder what he sees in you,”

“Everything,” Kelick comes up behind them and says, “and maybe people should pay more attention to other people’s bonding ceremonies and not just the Alpha’s.” With that he turns and walks back to his den.

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