Chapter 7, Flame; Shock and Awe

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I stare in disbelief at the Breeze pack warrior who just killed the Alpha. It happened so fast I’m not sure I saw it correctly. The Alpha leaped and landed with an unnaturally loud thump. Then the warrior phased from one place to another then looked at the Alphas. There were some fierce nods of approval and she leaned down and whispered something in his ear. Then she killed him. Just like that, she killed an Alpha. First I was shocked to see a female warrior and then I was flabbergasted to see her kill. An Alpha no less. She straightens up and looks around. I do too and notice that my expression is mirrored on almost all of the remaining wolves' faces. I return my gaze to her but she is watching the one she claimed to be her brother. He is staring at her with a look of bewilderment and disgust. She rolls her eyes and returns to her place beside the Breeze pack Alpha. There, she collapses with exhaustion as though she sprinted the perimeter of her territory. I can still only stare at her in shock. Her brother also rolls his eyes and trundles over to her. He begins looking over her and she allows it. Most warriors decide if they are injured or not and complain if they decide that it is a no. She, however, lies still. After some disapproving clucking, he mutters something to her and returns to his side of the Alpha. She rolls her eyes again and shouts, "I know I used too much energy! What was I supposed to do though?! No it was not ideal that he attacked me first but it's not like I could stand by idly! Or do you want me dead?!"

"Of course not sister. You are our best warrior. You should not have joined in that fight in the first place,"

"Oh! You're one to talk!" His eyes suddenly widen with fear.

"Don't you dare-"

"You can't threaten me," and the argument ends with that statement. Then she dips her head respectfully to the remaining Alphas. "I'm deeply sorry but I am unable to stand at this moment,"

"That is just fine...uh-" the Blaze pack Alpha starts.

"Resa," she supplies. 


"Now, we need someone to advocate for the Rock pack," Her eyes land on the only Rock pack member in attendance at the moment.

"Uh…" He obviously doesn't know what to do.

Resa smiles and tells him, "You need to agree to advocate for the Rock pack or decline,"

"Oh, um I-" All of the sudden another Rock pack member bursts through the brush, his teeth bared. Noticing the situation he backs down, obvious confusion written on his face.

"What happened-" he starts but is cut short by Resa who is now standing. Panic written all over her face, she stares at the dead body in front of her.

"Did you Alphas put the barrier up?!"

"No, why?" They ask in unison.

She starts panicking even harder than before. "Who was supposed to be the next Alpha?!?!" She shouts due to her panic.

“Me,” the new wolf says, “That’s how I knew to come here,”

“Well then hurry and put the barrier up!!”


“Channel your energy,” the Alphas say together.

“Too late. We result to fighting to keep us safe,”

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