Chapter 8, Finix; A Battle Won, A War Begun

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I don’t understand what Resa means until I see the first pelt dart from one bush to another. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Resa wheel around suddenly and start growling at an unmoving bush. I am confused as even I can’t see anything. “Come out in a submissive posture and I may spare your life. That depends on how forgiving I feel,” she barks. All of the sudden the bush parts in the middle and I see a larger than life wolf step out of its cover though its posture is nowhere near submissive. I see Resa smile slowly.

“I believe it is you who should be in a submissive posture if I am not mistaken,”

“You are mistaken-” I gasp along with most everyone else. She sends a glare of annoyance our way, “-the Shadow pack was banned by the Sun and Moon meaning you may have a form of hierarchy amongst yourselves but that same hierarchy does not count here. Here you are nothing. You shouldn’t even be here. When dawn comes, the Moon will consult with the Sun and they will put you in exile once again,”

“Studied your history I see. Well the new ages are among us,” I see Resa reveal a face of shock then her expression hardens into one of steely resolve.

“Not if I can help it,”

“Think you can change the story the stars write, do you?” he asks, his voice full of mocking.

“I don’t think, I know,” and she starts circling him.

It is this stranger’s turn to be shocked. He, however, hides it quickly. “No prophecy can help you now! The Sun and Moon fight dawn and dusk creating disorder and death!” I am confused. What prophecy is he talking about? The only prophecies that were made were from the old clans, and I know everyone of them. I search the library of knowledge in my brain until it lands on a dusty book. It opens and I start reading it when I am interrupted by a shriek of pain. I come back out of my memory to see the Shadow warrior on the ground with blood pouring out of a wound on his underbelly. He shakaly gets to his feet and takes a feeble swipe at her, which she avoids easily. He sways on his feet, clearly weak from all of the blood pouring out of his wound. Everyone knows she has won and turns away to start talking amongst themselves, but she, however, remains tense as if waiting for something. She crouches lower and starts growling at him. Only then do I tear my eyes from her and look at the alpha. I can tell he is slowly healing! I whip my head around and I can see the shadow warriors are, instead of falling back, crawling closer. Resa must be able to tell too because she swears and starts circling him again. Her father must hear her swear because the next thing I know, he wheels around with a look of anger. Resa, seeing her father glaring at her, sends a few ripples through her tail. Then a few more. Her father must understand the coded message as his expression instantly changes into one of concentration. All of the sudden I feel a gust of air rush by me and I can hear very audible shreeks of surprise, though none of the Alphas turn their heads to look. I then realize that the only ones who turn to see where it came from are the ones that were willing to fight the Rock Alpha. Resa’s expression turns to panic again, and now I can see why. The Shadow warrior has his mind set on killing her father. As one, those who noticed the shreeks, crouch low, then leap toward the enemy. Hoping to the Moon we are not too late, I swipe at him, but to no avail. I land and see that almost everyone missed the target, except for Resa. She lands squarely on the Shadow warrior’s back, and starts tearing him apart. She starts chanting something in between attacks.

“Moon and Sun, two now one, bring death to the one I attack,” soon I hear the rock pack member join in.

“Moon and Sun, two now one, bring death to the one I attack,” and he starts swiping at him, taking great care not to hit Resa. Next the blaze healer starts to join in.

“Moon and Sun, two now one, bring death to the one I attack,” and soon everyone else is doing it, taking great care not to hit each other. I finally decide to join in.

“MOON AND SUN, TWO NOW ONE ONE, BRING DEATH TO THE ONE I ATTACK!!!” and I claw him in the tail. All of the sudden, a great white light comes flashing down. Everyone rolls out of the way, except the Shadow warrior who seems unable to move. The light hits him and he dies instantly. Resa’s father collapses to the ground in exhaustion, and Resa moves to his side. After reaching him, she swivels her head to look at us in confusion. She motions us forward with a not-so-subtle twitch of her tail. It’s obvious she is more used to the rippling. I cautiously step forward and when she makes no move against me, I continue to slowly make my way over to her side. She rolls her eyes as if me being cautious pains her. I move beside her and the rest of those who attacked the Shadow warrior gather around too. I look down and see a wolfish grin spread across his face. "You did well, Peace Bringers,"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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