Chapter 3, Finix

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From my den, I look longingly at the cool, glass-like river that marks the border of the encampment. As a messenger I jump in there almost everyday, but I am never able to truly enjoy it. With my sharp eyesight I see the brush move. One of the scout groups burst from it, running like the pack’s well-being depends on this news. Mayhap it does. I rush out to meet them as I am faster and they may be needed to help defend the borders. I meet the panting group and Ripple tells me the news in a rush of words.

“A Breeze pack messenger came to our borders with grave news. They were attacked by Shadow warriors and they tried to assassinate their Alpha,”

I nod my head in understanding when, from the corner of my eye, I see a black pelt move in the brush, “LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!” I shout. They whip around, ready to defend Alpha at the cost of their lives. I bolt back to the encampment when I see more black pelts surrounding the camp under the cover of darkness. “SHADOW WARRIORS IN THE BRUSH SURROUNDING THE CAMP!” I yell, warning the guards of the threat. I leap into the river and swim like I’ve never swam before. If the Shadow warriors are after Alpha, I need to relay this news to him as fast as I possibly can. His life may depend on me. As I weave through the crowd of confused wolves, an unknown instinct kicks in and I flow more freely through them. I make it to Alpha’s den in time to see a shadow lurking in the corner. Immediately I drop to a crouch, growl, and lunge at the Shadow warrior. Alpha’s eyes look confused until I come rolling with the warrior tangled with me. With the threat known to him I back off and let him finish the fight while I look for any more that may have come while I tussled with this wolf.

As I breathe a sigh of relief, Alpha tenses and shouts, “FINIX!” but it’s too late. The last thing I see is Alpha leaping above me before everything turns black.

I can tell that you are drawn to the water, Finix. Don’t you ever let anyone break that connection.  That connection is what separates you from everyone else. Be brave, Finix, and you will do great things,”
I blink as I wake up and it takes a while to get used to the light of the sun beating down on me from my place in the spacious medical den.

“Where was it?” I hear Alpha ask the Healer who attends to me as I am the only one here at the moment.

“At the base where the head and neck meet,”

“What does that mean for him?”

“Just no overexertion for a week,”

“Thank the sun and moon. And thank you,”

“You’re most welcome. Anything for Finix. He’s different, you know. The way he sees things from far away in such detail and him being so drawn to the river. He is the one, Alpha you have to send him,”

“It will be hard to send a friend to what could be his death but I will do it. For the packs.”

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