Chapter 5, Hyphia

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    How in the world did I get stuck with this name?  I ask myself for the millionth time. It is not uncommon to name pups after the old language but “My sun”?! Hyphia means “my sun” in the old language but to be named after it! Being an adventurer does make sure I can’t get picked on for it.  I’ve been out for about a week now. I have finally found the rare herb and I am on my way home when I smell some putrid stench. I am used to most pack smells but this one is horrid. The unthinkable realization dawns on me, this might be the exiled Shadow pack! I race back and am horrified to learn that the scent leads right to my home. I catch sight of the dens and I realize that thankfully no one has been hurt but they seem to still be looking for what they want. All the pack is there with the exception of me. They are looking for me! I know the warriors can fight but will they fight for me? Before I can answer that question I notice the Alpha looking at me, her eyes pleading.

I don’t care at that point and I make a break for the middle of the Shadow warrior pack that has just gathered to discuss something. I break through the middle and growl, the herbs still in my teeth. I keep running, knowing that the Shadow warriors are chasing me, hoping and praying that the other warriors from my pack are coming to help. I circle back to see only the Alpha’s posture has changed. I subconsciously start to slow down until I see Alpha lunge at a Shadow warrior chasing me. The rest of the warriors then spring into action leaving all of them occupied except one. That one lunges at me, pins me down, and starts to sink its teeth into my neck. I feel myself slowly start to slip away until I remember my Alpha is in trouble. I dig my hind legs into his underbelly, loosening his grip just enough for me to shove him off. I then kill him with a merciful bite to the neck and I wheel around to help my Alpha.

Then I realize that the only one left fighting was me. Our healer ran to me and started to fix me while I stood there in shock. I was so unwanted that no one came to help me even though I was dying while Alpha stood there without a scratch. She looked furious at the warriors however, while the warriors looked furious at me. Then Alpha comes up to me and says these two words, “Meeting circle,” and nods her head. She must want me to attend tonight even though I will be running away. Well for my secret love I will. She is the only thing that keeps me near reality.

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