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"I shouldn't be jealous, your not even mine"
Steve's POV,
After school

As I went up to my room I was stopped by Tony.

"What the hell" he asked in both anger and confusion

I looked at him confused

"Why are you talking to red" he asked

"Why not" I asked

He scoffed "because she's red"

"Her names Natasha" I said

He rolled his eyes "tomato, tomoto, you shouldn't be hanging out with her"

"And why not" I asked anger written on my face

'Who was he to tell me who and who I can't hang out with' I wondered

"Because if you hang out with her people will think you've gone soft, you don't want that now do you" he asked

I scoffed "Why should I care what people think"

Before he could answer I walked upstairs to my mom's room.

"Hey honey, how'd school go" she asked as I entered her room

"I apologized...again" I replied

"Did she forgive you this time" she asked as she looked up at me from the TV

"Yes, she did actually" I said with a small smile

She smiled back " should invite her to dinner sometime"

I furrowed my eyebrows "I'm not dating her, if that's why your asking"

She chuckled "I think it's nice that you have another friend other than Tony"

But Natasha and I aren't friends, are we, just because she forgave me doesn't mean we're friends, does it?

I just nodded and exited the room. That night I couldn't stop thinking about the red head, are we friends, did she really forgive me, all these thoughts ran through my head faster than a race car, before I knew it, it was morning and it was time for school.

"Hi" I greeted as I sat beside Natasha in homeroom

She looked at me and gave me a smirk, God that smirk, what is it about that smirk "hi" she greeted back

I gave her a half smile before we both turned our attention to the teacher. But I couldn't help it during class I kept stealing glances of her. Her hair blonde as snow, her lips designed perfectly, I wonder what it would be like to kiss her-no Steve stop that, she just forgave you, you don't need to be thinking about her in that way.

As the lunch bell rang I made my way to the cafeteria, I was going to go sit by Natasha when a tall, muscular guy with black hair sat across from her, he must have said something funny because Natasha an actual laugh, the whole time I've known Natasha she's never smiled a real smile, let alone laughed. It hurt me seeing her laugh at something he said, I don't know why.

"Someone looks jealous" Tony said with a smirk as he walked passed me

I rolled my eyes at the thought, me Steve Rogers, the guy who can get any girl on campus... jealous, Tony wishes.

Without a second thought I walked up to where Natasha is sitting and sat beside her putting my arm around her shoulder. She looked at me confused before brushing my hand away, which earned a confused look from the guy across from us.

"I'm James but everyone calls me Bucky" he introduced himself as he held out his hand for me to shake

"Steve" I introduced as I shook his hand

He then turned his attention back to Natasha "so, I'll see you tonight Talia" he said as he got up


She gave him a smile "see you tonight James" she replied and he walked away

Why were they seeing each other tonight?

I turned to face her, confusion written on my face "Talia" I asked with furrowed eyebrows

"James is the only person allowed to call me that" she said

"What does it stand for" I asked curiously

She sighed " birth name"

I nodded, but I couldn't help but wonder why she didn't like people calling her Natalia.

"So you got a date tonight" I asked

She chuckled "with who"

I looked at her confused and pointed in the direction that James just went in "with James"

She laughed, God that laugh, it's like music to my ears.

"James is like a brother to me, I would never date him" she said

Now I was even more confused, how long have these two known each other?

"How long have you known each other" I asked her curiously

"Almost five years, we met at" she paused "at the boarding school my parents sent me to"

I nodded

I don't know what came over me but, I asked a question I didn't even know I was thinking

"Will you go out with me" I asked

She looked at me, with shock on her face "um" she cleared her throat "no" she replied

No, no one's ever said no to going on a date with me.

"I can't" she added

"Why not" I asked confused

"Because I don't believe in that type of stuff" she replied nonchalantly

"Believe in what" I asked confused and angry

"I'm sorry Steve" she said as she got up and walked away

I was more confused then ever, she didn't believe in what exactly, love, I wasn't asking her to love me, I was asking her to go out with me, I was so confused.

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