Aveng II

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Natasha's POV,

I walked up the steps of the soon to be avengers tower and stood in front of Nick's door knocking on it.

"Come in" he said from the other side

I gave myself a small smile, it had been a while since I'd been at shield, I opened the door.

"Director" I greeted

Nick looked up from his work and gave me a huge smile before getting up and giving me a big hug.

"I've missed you kid" he said as he hugged me

I gave him a soft smile

'I'm home' I thought to myself

"I've missed you too Nick" I said

"Do me a favor, don't call me Nick when we're with the other's" he said

I nodded in understanding "I won't director Fury"

We talked for a while about the assignment that Nick had placed me on a few months prior, when we heard a knock at the door.

"Come in" Fury said

The door opened to reveal probably my favorite person in the whole world.

"It's time" Clint said as he entered looking at Nick, he then turned his attention to me "Tasha your back" he said with a huge smile on his face before hugging me

Nick cleared his throat "as much as I'd hate to interrupt this moment, we have places to be"

Clint and I pulled away from our hug and followed Nick to the room where the other avengers would be.

"Avengers" Nick addressed them and they all turned to look at him "first off, I'd like to thank you for agreeing to meet with me, second off, welcome to the avengers"

We all sat down at a table and Nick handed us each other's files, I opened mine quickly to see what he put under mine was the word spy, I smiled to myself Nick knows how I am about my past, I looked up from the file to see Tony and Steve looking at me in a wired way.

"Is there a problem" I asked them with a cocked eyebrow

Tony blinked a couple of times "you look different"

I chuckled

It was like getting deja vu, but he wasn't wrong, I have changed a lot I might add.

"I think it's called puberty" I replied quoting my words from when I got back from the K.G.B.

Tony rolled his eyes and Nick continued, as if not even hearing what Tony and I just said. Steve was still looking at me wiredly, I tried to brush it off and focus on what Nick was saying but I couldn't he was starring at me so intensely.

Steve's POV,

As I went through the files I was shocked to see Natasha Romanoff as one of us, I looked to see what her skill is and under skill set it said spy, I looked over at Tony who gave me the same confused look, we both looked at Natasha for answers, she looked up from her reading.

"Is there a problem" she asked with a cocked eyebrow

"You look different" Tony said

he wasn't wrong, she did look different, her red hair now replace with now had blonde tips, her green eyes no longer full of life but full of pain anyone could see that...even someone like Tony.

She chuckled "I think it's called puberty"

I wanted to laugh at her come back but I didn't. Fury continued with what he was saying not paying attention to what Tony and Natasha had said. I was confused and longing for answers, she looked so hurt, I wanted to know why and I don't even know why I care. After Fury dismissed us, I wanted to talk to Natasha but I was beat to it when Banner came up to her and started a conversation, I walked closer trying to hear the conversation that they were having without them knowing I was there.

"I was just wondering if...um" Bruce cleared his throat "you'd like to go out sometime"

I could feel the jealousy building up in me but why it's not like she's mine, I tried to shake it off.

"Um...I'm sorry Dr.Banner but...um I don't do the whole 'dating' thing" she replied

Making me feel relieved but have more questions than ever.

"Oh, uh, yeah, I totally get it" he replied before walking a way a frown on his face

"Ouch...still breaking hearts I see" said a familiar voice I looked over to see James

She rolled her eyes "whatever" she said as she playfully nudged him in the shoulder

"Ready to go" he asked

She nodded "always"

He then put out his arm for her to take which she did

"WAIT...before anyone leaves, party at my place tomorrow night, don't miss it" Tony shouted for everyone to hear

I looked at Tony confused and he walked up to me.

"I want to learn more about what happened to Romanoff" was all he said

Sorry this is short and bad, didn't really feel inspired today, I hope you understand.

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