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"I wish you knew how much it destroyed me when you left"
Steve's POV,

"I want to go" I said as I walked into Howard's home office

He looked up at me confused "go where" he asked

"Military school" I replied

He chuckled lightly "I was only joking, I told you boys that so you would stop pulling your so called pranks on me"

"I want to go" I repeated

"Why" he asked confused

"I just do" I replied

"I'll have to talk with your mother" he said

"Already did, she was a little upset but agreed to it" I replied

He nodded "I'll talk to general and see when you can start"

I nodded before leaving the room

"Hey Steve watcha talking to dad about" Tony asked curiously

"Military school" I replied with a shrug

"Oh please tell me he's not making us go" Tony said worriedly

"He's not but I'm going" I replied

"Why?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows

"Because I want to" I replied

"Why though" he asked again

I didn't answer I just walked upstairs to my room and started to pack my bags.

There was a knock at my door.

"Come in" I said

Howard walked into my room "you leave next Monday" he said

"Okay thanks" I replied and he walked out of my room

The next day

"Hey Steve" Natasha greeted as she sat beside me

I didn't say anything I just ignored her.

She sighed "really your ignoring me now"

I look over at her I could see hurt in her eyes but I didn't care, I just looked back at the board. During lunch I realized that Natasha wasn't anywhere in sight.

"I don't know who the hell you think you are" James said as he pushed me into a hallway

"I have no idea what your talking about" I said

"You know nothing about her, she's been through a lot, she just doesn't want you to get hurt" he said pushing me further into the wall

I now knew who he was talking about, I could feel my heart race as I replayed his words in my head, what did he mean, been through a lot, doesn't want me to get hurt.

"What are you talking about" I asked confused and concerned

He scoffed "see you know nothing about her" he then turned and walked away leaving me bewildered

That night I went home, still thinking about James' words from earlier.

"Hey honey" my mom greeted as she walked through my bedroom door "I see your all packed" she added as she looked around my room

I nodded

She furrowed her eyebrows and sat next to me "you okay, you look like you a million miles from here" she said

"Just thinking" I replied nonchalantly

She nodded "want to talk about it"

She knew that if she asked I'd tell her.

I sighed "today at school, James one of Natasha's friends pushed me into a wall"

She chuckled "really he pushed you into a wall"

"Yes, now can I finish" I asked annoyed

She nodded "sorry...go on"

"Well he said you don't know what she's been through, she doesn't want you to get hurt...what do you think he meant" I asked

She shrugged her shoulders "no idea, but we all have our secrets"

I nodded "well I better get ready for bed, long week"

She nodded and left the room


"Bye mom" I said as I hugged her goodbye

"Bye, you be careful" she said tears in her eyes

I hated seeing her like this but I couldn't take it, I couldn't see Natasha after her denying me and I don't know why, maybe it was the fact that she was the only woman ever to decline the offer of going out with me, my thoughts were interrupted by the conductor.

"Last call, time to go" he said

I gave one last glance to my mom before hopping on the train.

Sorry for the short chapter and also the delay.

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