{ Chapter 4 }

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✰✰ tws: self-harm, r@p4,

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{  a/n: I'm back (⁎˃ᴗ˂⁎)  }

༻one week before June 2nd, 2018
(*^^*) George POV

      ‧₊˚. - I woke up with bangings on the front door, I was pretty confused but I slowly went over it and opened it worried to see someone I never thought I would see... It was my mom.. with SAPNAP? She pulled me into a hug as I almost burst into tears. I was the happiest person.
"Oh, George! I missed you so much thanks to your friend who told me about where you lived! " she said. I froze how did sapnap know where I lived...? Couldn't care less I was happy I invited both of them inside and mom sat down on the couch while placing her bags and suitcase near. I hand her and sap a cup of tea. "So where is Kim?" aka my dad. mom asked. I didn't know he didn't come back since then when he left a letter on the table saying he'll be back in 2 days. " I don't know he left without letting me know where he went some days ago," I said as she looked at me confused and mad.
" George wanna go to your room?" sapnap asked "Sure!" I said as we run to my room hearings mom giggled quickly :).
"Pretty room you got!" Sapnap said surprisingly I smiled back at him.

Sapnap later gets a call from his dad asking him to leave he went on " Sorry George I got to go! It was cool hanging out with you," he smiled as he went over to hug me I smiled and hugged him back


Sunday. It was Sunday I went over to my phone and called Cody "Heyyy wanna hangover since we have one week break to study for our exams?" I asked "Sure!" I smiled and hung up, hearing some footsteps turning to my door as it was opened I see my dad with a disappointing look on this bruising face. " Dad.. what are you doing...? " he went over to me and.. and...

He left my room like nothing just happened and I got dressed back with a shocked face while tearing up, my face got warm, and felt like I couldn't breathe.
my sink was bloody. I quickly wash off hearing Cody's voice coming to my room, "FAST GEORGE GO" I said almost yelling but also whispering.
He was here, standing there seeing me wash the leftover patterns of blood on the sink giving me a worried look "Is that blood, George..?" He asked " I promise it's nothing bad!'' I said crying it out, he went over me and hugged my body laying his head on mines.

''I noted all things we will get for the exam!''

''You're such a nerd'' *giggle*

We fell asleep cuddling, woke up with the smell of coffee and fresh food. Wiping my eyes I see Cody reading while drinking coffee. I groan. ''Looks like Georgie is awake'' he said placing his coffee kissing me on my forehead ''Come on wake up'' I move around the bed and hardly wake up going to the bathroom, locking the door. I looked over to the mirror, I was so fat. I took off my wearings and take a shower. The warm water drowning through my body. My cute hurted a lot. I wished I could redo the past and never did them. I'm such a fool.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ We set down on the floor preparing our studies, staying up till midnight with breaks of course. We're so nervous about the exam but once June 1st arrived we decided to go out to a pretty fancy restaurant. It has so many candles I loved it. It was a summer moment and the colorful flowers in the hanging pot were looking really pretty.
''What do you want?'' Cody asked '' Hm I'd like a salad and some water'' I said smiling. It was delicious. We went on a bridge and admired the view, I finally saw a sunset and I was incredibly surprised and knowing I'm having this moment with my favorite person, wow..! ''AH! It's so pretty'' I said feeling a tap on my shoulder checking to see Cody smiling approaching me. We kissed.
Our results came in and surprisingly.. I passed and Cody also passed!! Once we found out we said our last goodbyes but.. there was one person I didn't contact in a while. Clay. I was curious what he was up to or what he's doing. I felt a missing piece without him. But I couldn't do anything, he moved back to Florida so I could not contact him. He changed his number, get it? Why would I want to contact him anyway pfft? I had Cody.. right?
Sapnap also moved to Florida with Clay, they were friends so I understood.
This summer went the best, I went over to the beach with Cody but once realized I didn't tell him so many things. I felt bad knowing I keep secrets from him.
He has a weird feeling about the future, was it gonna be a great or bad one. I'm hoping for the person who would come at me and say " I'll be here, forever " .

''Wanna be my boyfriend?''


˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚910 words <3

I'm back with some more emo content *emoji* Sorry I couldn't make this longer because my ideas are for 2 more episodes till a new brand season! Keeping y'all updated!

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