{ Chapter 6 }

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✧*。 tws: abuse, swearing, m. of self harm, light Ed. , m of cigarettes
2021, 25st October
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<3 3rd person POV

‧₊˚. - "DREAM" George yelled as he was getting hit by c!dream, he was whizzing known as his laugh. His laugh was funnier than any joke George ever heard. "COME ON LEAVE ME ALONE" George yelled hearing dream whizzle even more. They were doing a stream, 'Manhunt'.
George was always the one running away from dream, and only rarely dream was the one. "Oh come on you're just like a girl" dream said joking also laughing little pieces.

<3 George POV
"Oh I'm the girl? Well at least I'm confident to speedrun this, as you just like running after me like an obsessed little simp" I said giggling as I was crafting some items, pickaxe and sword out of iron and a shovel and axe out of stone." Very funny George " dream said sarcastically.
As I was making a nether portal I hear the front door slamming and said " Wait I'll be back! Don't kill or push me"
"Yeah yeah"
muting myself as a heavy breathing goes out my mouth. I went down stairs seeing Cody smelling like alcohol and cigarettes , I was feeling tired of his newest personality, he was approaching me " You're playing with that Dream guy again?" he said in a mad tone " Well yeah, I couldn't say no to my own best friend" I said tilting my head to my shoulder looking down at the wooden floor. " I already told you so many times to stop. Can't you see he wants to steal you from me?!" he said looking at me like he wanted me death also saying that like he never cheated and wasn't cheating on me in the current moment , making me feel sick "He wouldn't do that!" I told him "Ugh. You're so annoying" I said whispering hoping he didn't hear, no way, as I was walking up stairs to continue my stream but I felt a hand grabbing my arm almost making me fall down the stairs." What did you fucking called ME? " he said screaming at me" Nothing, let go of me! " I said trying to untie his hand off my arm because it hurted me. Than he gotten abusive as always. Leaving me on the floor with scars around my mouth and bruises around my legs. My stomach was in pain as I got hit right there. I felt like throwing up. I was getting tired but if I ever told him just want to break up he would probably kill me. He could do anything. I know it was my fault for saying he's annoying but I didn't thought he'll hear it. I felt so week but I hardly try to go on the stairs like a baby dog.

"Sorry Im going offline y'all! Thanks to everyone who joined and donated I love you guys stay strong and bye!" I said with a abused and depressed voice.
I closed the stream and apps even discord, now hearing my phone buzzing and to see dream calling me " Hey are you alright?" he asked worriedly
"Not really but I'll be ok!" I said "Wanna talk about it?" hearing his worried voice just made me feel really bad "Sorry but no" I said going on to hang up. "Take ca-"
'take care' I couldn't even walk properly but take care of myself, I was this weak. I was embarrassed of myself.
I went to the bathroom washing off my face and the blood on me. I looked at my body for a second, seeing how fat I was...I had to stop eating since I wanted to be perfect and skinny.. I was so disappointed of myself, after that my thoughts went blank I was really mad about myself but just went on and got some bandages I found in the cabinets to wrap it around my arms and legs, nobody knew but I was still cutting. And most depressing is that Cody changed to a little bitch. I regret my decision. I wish he could just go back to the old him. I walked out the bathroom and fast grabbing my phone to call the only person I could talk to, Sapnap. He was always there for me as well as Dream, but there was something off him.
"Hey! It's George I wanted to talk to you" I said
"Sure what's up?" Sapnap said, " I know I'm over reacting and stuff but would you ever thought of planing a ticket to Uk?" I asked with a shaky voice "Uhm actually Dream though about that " what. why would he think of that, weird . "Oh."
"Yeah but why? Does little Georgie need someone to hang out with " he said with a babyish voice I tear up. I was in the worst mood, why would he say it like that as I was thinking of hanging up I hear a quiet voice "is that George?" I heard like it was Dream "Yeah"
"Hii George " Dream yelled still having his soft voice. His voice made me smile and think of an old person. But it was probably a coincidence.

I hung up without a word and placed my phone under my blanket as I lay down in bed thinking of future and life, wishing I had my best friends here for me, feeling embarrassed and clingy for being how I am, being stressed about my family, especially my dad who I hope he wouldn't find me. I knew he couldn't because who knows.. maybe he's dead.
My phone goes buzzing but I had no energy and no motivation to go pick it up. I slowly go into a deep nap.

waking up feeling some warm hands grabbing my wrist, couldn't care who it was. I felt great, turning my head to see someone i thought I'd never see again, how did he got in my house, my room... Clay sleeping peacefully breathing slowly but at a moment hearing some notifications who got me out of my... dream..?

I wake up with a desperate face. Why did I dream about him, why. I was acting so weirdly recently, mostly missing Clay. He was actually my childhood friend.. but in high school he became a jerk, I wished my favorite people would've stayed the same... lovley.. .
I pick up my phone seeing Dream💛 's notifications over and over again, he was always babying me. He knew about my toxic relationship and started mostly checking up on me. I decided to ignore those notifications and get out of bed walking down to see Cody and a girl, a girl he was cheating me with. I didn't really care because if I'd say anything he'll end me up in a hospital.
I went and grabbed a glass and went upstairs to put the water in it, couldn't stand the "love" of my life cheating on me and treating me differently just because I don't take care of his needs anymore, what the fuck was I meant to do at the age of almost 21 ? I never liked having.. yk... it made me disgust every time I heard or something about it.

I grab my phone and called Dream to let him know I was alright and no need to be worried:
"Hey Dream! I wanted to let you know I'm alright and no need to panic ." I said softly and quietly hearing him sob
"Wh- were you crying?"
"A bit, I thought something happened to you, you know I love you and care about you and I get worried easily!" He said as I felt a sad face on his face appear even tho I've never seen him because he felt insecure apparently
"I'm really sorry! I had a nap "
"I know I'll sound really really weird but can you maybe give me your address?" He asked
"Are you trying to dox me?" I said as a joke
"Maybe ?" He said as I typed out my address
"Oh no...!" I said with a fake sad voice for amusement.
"Hey Dream... is Dream your real name or?"
"Imagine naming your son 'Dream', ofc not!" He said whizzing I was smiling and hearing him start speaking got curious but letting me know.." It's Clay "
I got left with a speechless face, what...?

<3 1415 words
welp time to say, you gotta wait till I make chapter 7 👀 I'm having such a great time writing these!

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