{ Chapter 8 }

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tws: self harm
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< 3 George POV
               ‧₊˚. -  I woke up with a headache pain through my brain, I felt my legs feeling non scratched and I actually loved that, waking and feeling like I've been the most comfortable person ever. I noticed Dream was still calling with me and quickly whisper "nighty" . He was sleeping. Getting out of bed was extremely hard, missing the comfiness and my only tear supporter. Erica was off to work today so I was casually alone, pretty boring, negativity going in my mind. I open Twitter and looked to see so many people shipping me with Dream. I had no problems but it was pretty weird actually. Placing down my phone I went over to the kitchen where was my table full of plates with tasty food on them, in the middle of all there was a note:
telling me my roommate Is working and coming at 5.
I wasn't planning to eat them but I didn't want to make Erica sad and make her think she wasted her time on nothing grabbing a plate with some spaghetti, they looked fresh but pretty cold so went over to the microwave to heat it up, taking ketchup because I love spaghetti with ketchup or tomato sauce homemade, it's just amazing. Once again going to my bedroom grabbing my plate and a fork and rushed to my bed, placing down the plate next to me and unexpectedly I hear someone say "George" the soft and morning voice Dream said that making my little cheek pink.
"Yes Dream ? Isn't it late for you, you should sleep!" I said "I'm not tired anymore but tomorrow is Halloween eve" he pointed out, what. some time ago it was 25th already 29?! How much was I asleep to skip four days.. "Already? Wow." I was zooming thinking about future hearing dream saying " I got to go I'll be back after a while by the way"
"It's literally so late for you, why you got to go what" I was so confused "Does little George needed me " here we go again " Screw you." I said hearing Dream in a little gasp " Wh- are you ok?" I asked now very confused but he just hung up without a word, I probably shouldn't say that gosh George. Why are you like this. I went from my bed directly in the bathroom laying on the floor holding my legs up to my chest , I'm so worthless saying grabbing my blade and cut. cut like I didn't even feel it. cut like I wasn't even existing. cut like I was alone. cut like I am perfectly fine, even tho I was ruined. I ruined myself. Embarrassing I got up and not even having the motivation to clean up just locking myself in my bedroom. And feel asleep on my comfy bed crying. I needed someone there for me, hold me like a teddy bear up to their chest. I needed the person I wished all my life. Literally anyone.

I woke up pretty late it was night, and tomorrow it was Halloween, well. more clarify, tomorrow was the eve. I heard some talking downstairs not wanting to go and see what's happening, probably Erica came home and talked with one of her friends. I almost felt asleep again until I hear some knocking on my door, forgetting I left it close and needing to get up and open it, I was so lazy at this point to even move a finger but I felt like I should to make sure I was alive. I got up and walk to the door almost unlocking it but I looked over my bed seeing blood patters on my blanket I rushed and turn it the other side and rushed back to my door unlocking it and opening it with no clue who was. I was half asleep and said pretty tired " I'm alive don't worry Erica " I said cupping my face into my hands hearing a manly soft laugh. Before I did anything I just stood there thinking there's a robber or a killer or someone bad. I was a little scared but I looked over to see..... Clay.....I backed off falling on the ground with tears in my eyes scared of him and he's mood went from happiness to a worried look.. I was dreaming right? It's not real, just close your eyes and go back to sleep it's a dream...
"Please don't hurt me..! I beg you!"

< 3 Clay Pov
"Please don't hurt me..! I beg you!" George said with the most panicked voice I've ever heard. He was afraid of me... I rush over to him and hold him into my chest "George... I wouldn't hurt you... you're my best friend..!" I said hearing him gasp I was so sad felt like crying right there... the person I've been in love with my whole life and hardly needed to bully my whole high school time was scared of me. I was so ashamed. After a little bit I hear some noises checking seeing him sobbing in a deeply sleep he was adorable.. I took him now holding him like a baby and placed him down on the bed getting the blanket I noticed some blood patterns on both his blanket and his hoodie, I got a little scared there but right now he needed a little bit of resting. While that I go downstairs and hear Erica asking "Is he ok? I heard some quiet screaming "
"Yeah, currently sleeping. What if he wouldn't accept me, he doesn't know I'm his online friend (Dream) yet! " I said worried "don't worry it'll be ok" she said giving me a sad smile and tapping my shoulder. All I knew about her it's that she's a lesbian, still wondering how she dated George's ex boyfriend if that's so "Erica, if you're lesbian how-" I wanted asking but cut off by her " I wanted his money and help George, Cody told me he's a depressed typo but he seems alright so I'm not sure" she said giving on a confused look and also a worrying one. " I'll go rest the flight was exhausting " I said giggling telling her good night and left with my bags and suitcase. Entering in George's room placing down my stuff and change to some sweatpants and a T-shirt now wondering where I would sleep. I didn't want to go near George because he deserved a well sleep. So I took a blanket from a blankets and pillows pile and set down on the floor near him trying to get some rest because the plane wasn't too luxury.

Here we are, me and George exhausted sleeping next to each other with a layer different. Good night...

♡ ♡ Tiktok: that.beloved ♡ ♡
I loved writing this chapter!!
Going to take a nap soon and joining dream and george >w<!! Have a good night /day, eat and hydrate yourself<33

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