{ Chapter 7 }

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♡ tws : lil light abuse , swearing, m. of trauma, m. of sh
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<3 George POV

         ‧₊˚. -  Hearing that Dream could be my old childhood best friend and my old bully from high made me think back to all my trauma back there. I hang up. I didn't care how dramatic I was actually I didn't care about anything anymore. I looked at Codys closet and decided to do something. I got some of his bags placing all his clothes, accessories, boxes in different bags and a suitcase of his. Seeing photos of us from his POV just made me tear up but I grabbed a scissor and cut them into maximum four pieces. And throw them into his suitcase. I took all his stuff I packed for him, not caring if I will get abused by him, knowing at least I won't have someone to tell me each day why and what I'm doing with Dream, Sapnap, Tommy and others.
Walking down stairs and opening the door,
"You going on vacation some?" Cody said jokingly
" Not me, but you are! Have fun " I said as I made a annoyed smile and pointing to the door
" You slut. How dare you bitch?!" he says coming to me like a bull and grabbing me by neck. The girl looked so shocked " CODY CHILL !" the girl said pushing him off and getting him out with also his suitcase and bags yelling goodbye and locking the door
( no questions..I have no idea...)
" He's crazy. " she said looking at me and slowly appearing a soft smile " I'm Erica, nice to meet you George!"
"H-hi" I said handing out my hand to shake
"Are you hungry ? I made some toast before.." she asked approaching the kitchen to hand me a plate full toast grabbing some and thanking her " You know.. I have a spare room, guest room.. " I said
" Oh alright so I guess we're roommates?" she asked excited " Yeah!"
"I'll go pack then cya!" she said taking her purse and leaving .

I was happy having a roommate because it was so boring and now that Cody doesn't live here I'd would've been too depressing and she was also really nice, know having a friend who could relate to the toxic relationship with Cody.
While I was waiting for Erica I went and grab the plate of toast and ate some and started cleaning around the house even tho I had a headache and felt a little sick listening to music made me feel a bit better while cleaning, I went inside the living room and start packing some leftovers cigarettes in the ashtray and clean it a bit. I placed the pillows in an aesthetic way because I really liked a flower aesthetic and I look at them everyday on Pinterest when I'm bored.
When I was done I head in my crystal clean room not recognizing it anymore it was so organized, I guess I did a good job I said smiling laying down the bed, it was afternoon 19:33 ( 7:33 pm ) I had so many messages from Dream he was slowly annoying me.

"George!" Was the first thing he said as I called him " Dream! "
"I was so worried for you, are you ok?" He asked "Yeah, I've got a roommate and she should be here soon but wanted to call you to tell you that you don't need to check on me 24/7." I said with an annoying tone
"Oh I'm sorry.."
"Thank yo-" I heard some knocking on the door " Well got to go, love you " DID I JUST SAID THAT "Love you.." I felt like I made him sad. I need to distance myself from him I will hurt him, and I don't want to give him back the pain I felt back in high school, I go downstairs and open the door and seeing Erica with a little lunch box and her suitcases helping her with them. " I brought some meal my mom made before I left !" She said excited and very happy
"Woo after we watch a movie maybe?" I ask
She looks at me with a mad face "OF COURSE! Also what color should I do my nails?" She asked as she showed me two nail polishes "I'm colorblind-" I said bursting in laugh and starts to join me, she was so nice!
The food was delicious and we went in each other's room but she stay a while to unpack her stuff while I was in bed feeling sick. Today I ate more than I used to. I probably gained so much. I slowly get up and go to the bathroom to throw up all I've eaten and all my appetite i ever had, I felt so week, I felt cold and felt empty like I had nothing in my body, flushing the toilet and got up hardly walking to my bed needing someone to comfort me, Dream. or Clay...?
I grabbed my phone and FaceTimed Dream even tho he will not show me his face just knowing he's here it's amazing. " Hey Dream, I'm sorry for being rude earlier I had a bad mood .." I said with some teary eyes
"It's alright, I understand but why'd you call?"
"Feeling sick. Very weak and needed someone to sleep with" I said shaking a bit
"Oh alright just place your phone next to you and I'll be here to watch over " he said with a smile.

<3 Dream POV
As George struggling to place his phone so he can peacefully sleep i overthought of surprisingly surprise him with a visit and hearing him say " night " with a soft tired voice I say " night Georgie " watching him sleep was something I always wanted to see, but him knowing I'm someone he used to know breaks my heart. Placed my phone down and mute myself so I won't wake George up, I look for some Florida to Uk planes for maybe the day after tomorrow. So I can pack up. I brought two tickets, cannot forget about Sapnap, he'll wanna come no matter what.

TikTok: that.beloved!
oooo spooky season is soon preparing to write some fantastic spooky chapters, let's wait till Dream gets in Uk, dramatic 🎃 I love writing these gives me so many ideas of living!

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