You get bitten on the arm so tell them to cut it off

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He first asked if you are sure of this, not planning to cut your arm off without your certain consent. Even if you changed your mind, he would have kept pushing until you agreed as he rather have a lover without an arm than a zombie lover. When you said you are sure, he gave a firm nod, having determined eyes that told you he will try to do this as quick as possible. He yelled to Rochelle to get some medical kits ready. He placed your arm down and told you to think happy thoughts. As he slammed it down and you screamed, he yelled it's done clean


It happened so fast. You got bitten on your arm and she shot it, only to stare as you held a saw to her, telling her to saw your arm off. She was quick to ask what before yelling no. When you yelled you either lose an arm or become a zombie, she yelled you can also die from bloodlose. As you said you are taking that chance, she cursed before taking something hard and putting it between your teeth. She muttered this better work then began sawing your arm.


When you told him to cut it off with his axe, he stared at you with shock. He seen it in movies so surely it should work in real life... right? All he could do was hope as he snatched his axe and told you this will hurt. When you did motion you are ready, he slammed it down as quick and hard he could, hoping to make it quick and clean. As you cursed and screamed in pain, he nervously eyed around while pulling out some stuff from the medical bag in hopes there is something to stop the blood, realizing he should have properly checked if he has the medical supplies before he cut your arm off.


He asked what the fuck you just said as he took the axe you pushed into his hands. As you repeated and told him he has to cut off your arm, he told you this isn't a damn movie. So both argued. When you yelled it's the only thing you can think of to stop from turning to a zombie, he yelled back you would die from shock or blood lose anyway. After a few seconds more of arguing, you finally convinced him. He cursed a lot, wondering if he's really about to chop off his lover's arm, but then did it. As you screamed, he cursed even more, wondering what the hell he has to do now as he pushed a lot of stuff to your arm to stop the blood.

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