You wake up to learn the apocalypse never happened

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Not satisfied with how it turned out but whateves, hope you enjoy it.

All open ended because all my stuff is, and honestly... because I have zero ideas on how to end this one.


How can anyone be okay after witnessing all that? And then being told it's all a nightmare?!

Coach was so confused and worried as to what to do as you went to bed a content person, but awake a paranoid soldier. You acted as if you had war ptsd. Asking where the weapons are, panicking about lack of ammo and rations, dashing about the house to avoid enemy sight. He tried to stay calm but he had to yell that the kitchen is stocked and to just calm down.

He truly didn't know what to do. When you stayed crouched under the window, silent as a mouse, he called various people in hopes someone might know this issue, relate, or know someone who could help.


She woke up to see you smiling, stroking the bedsheets as if entranced. Of course that worried her as it felt odd. "Are you okay..?" "They are so soft. I forgot what it felt like..." This was strange, but mostly for the look and smile you held.

But she didn't want to chase you off or put you on defense so she nod, agreeing. Throughout the day this kept up. Acting as if you were experiencing everything for the first time, had left for a month vacation and finally back; but there was also this caution when you passed by the windows or heard the neighbors.

When she had to go to work and you began practically interrograting her that's when she got enough; demanding to know why you are behaving like this and if this is some prank. But you kept insisting that she wouldn't understand it, to which she told you to explain it then, but it became such a wild argument she stormed out before things get said or done that either will regret.


He was already out bed by time you woke up. So fuck did your heart race, just as fast as you dashing off the bed, through the doors, and to the man struggling to flip the eggs in the pan.

Ellis almost snatched the pan to smack the person who suddenly slammed against him, but his arms wrapped around quickly when he saw it's you. A happy expression came, but then worry as you held him in such a tight hold as if he might leave you.

"Darling? Honey?" all endearments to cheer you up, then finally: "You okay?"

But your head shook, whispering things so he pulled away to hear you. You couldn't understand what's happening, where all is, why he's so casual, if you passed out somewhere. But Ellis kept shaking his head to whatever he could catch from your mumbles, looking as if you are the insane one. So he rubbed your arms, trying to ease and assure you.

He made you sit down, giving you some water and the eggs he was making for himself and tried to listen to all you had to say while cooing to keep you calm and not go into a panicked ramble.


Waking up to your partner having barricaded the door and windows is an experience... He stared, half asleep, then dragged himself to the kitchen and made a coffee first. Coffee before dealing with bullshit.

So once he has his cup he went to you, sipping it on the way, then asked what the hell you are doing. As you went on about zombies and how you don't get it so this barricaded is for safety he just stared, sipped, then hummed and told you; "Have fun, honey" then went to go brainlessly watch tv while trying to wake up fully.

When you tried to pull him into it he told you to not involve him and to leave him out of whatever insanity you are going through. He didn't take it serious at first but you kept going on about this as if it's an actual serious thing so he also got serious; asking if you need to go to the doctor while already taking the car keys. 

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⏰ Last updated: 8 hours ago ⏰

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