When you massage them

182 13 1

Just written very quickly so excuse if it isn't good.


His legs can always use some massages. So when you do that just lets him let out a 'aah that's good, that's it' and snuggles more in spot to relax. He might even fall asleep.


She'll try to argue against it but then your hands begin and 'ooh'. Suddenly her body relaxes, eyes closing, head leaning back. All she can think is 'damn' as she got defeated.


Immediate sounds that would make someone not looking think you two are doing something inappropriate. He leans into your touch, promising to give you whatever so long you keep going. He'll usually return the favor afterwards.


Being treated like the king he is~ He will have such a smug look, enjoying each moment. Both the mental fact that he has someone who would do this and the physical enjoyment.

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