You both can't make it to a safe room so have to spend the night outside

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He was very pissed at himself, saying how he had planned this all that you all would make it to the safe room before night but because of his bad planning it failed. So you comforted him, telling him he couldn't have known where the zombies would be or what unexpected would be ruining the planning. You asked him to try and calm down before the zombies hear him so he mumbled you are right and he's sorry. So the next few minutes was walking in silent as he was trying to consult himself to stay calm and that you are right and being angry about it won't change anything so he has to focus on making sure you all survive the night now. All hid in some store, building up a little fort with supply boxes then ate the food and water while discussing some plans. All agreed two will patrol and the rest will sleep, then after a few hours will switch and once there's light all rush out and get to the safe room as fast as possible.


She was terrified, whispering she wasn't prepared to fight zombies and definitely not at night. She began panicking as every tiny sound became terrifying and made her point her gun, even more panicking when she couldn't see anything. Eventually you got enough and pushed her hands down, telling her to watch out before she shoots and actually does attract zombies. You noticed a car with all doors open so sneaked to it then climbed inside and quietly shut the doors before gesturing she can arrive. She hurried over before climbing in, whispering this is insane, so you argued back there is nothing else and it's only until a bit of sun comes. Both laid back on the car seats, trying to pass time with whispering because neither could fall asleep in this dangerous situation. So once a bit of sun came, both hurried out, sneaking along the walls, trying to locate the road to the safe room with the little bit of sunlight.


He got excited but was also a bit nervous and scared. It felt like camping, just with zombies around now and the chance of something dangerous actually happening being doubled. He assured you he went camping a lot as a kid so just trust him to find the good spot to sleep. Both snuck around, which made him whisper to you he feels as if he's coming right out of a movie now. Once he found a good spot and you gave his cheek a kiss, saying you knew he would find a good spot, he got a big grin, happily saying of course he would and you should always trust him. Both laid down to sleep, which was a bit difficult to do so both just whispered and he kept whispering jokes to you to keep you at ease and pass the time quicker. Once it was morning he pat you many times, hurriedly saying it's light out so can both continue.


He was muttering about how he said you all should hurry and should not stop to kill off those few zombies far away but nooo. So you grew annoyed with all his complaining so both your moods were awful and now it was night so couldn't even see zombies. Once Nick calmed down he said should both find a good place to rest. There wasn't anything secluded so both just continued walking, deciding moving is safer than being sitting ducks. Each time a noise came both tensed up and stayed as still as possible and only began moving once certain it's not a zombie or at least that the zombie wasn't looking your way. Soon arrived near the safe room so both silently cheered, only to curse as the sound of a horde of zombies following came so both ran to the door. Once it was shut tight you hugged him tight, cheering you both managed to make it through the night so he hugged you back tightly then gave you a kiss, saying he's sorry he was such an ass in the beginning.

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